the sun shines a little brighter today...

Feb 15, 2005 18:17 today was a little better. Spent the day with the one and only, yes people, Chelsweezy for sheezy. lol. Some damn good times I have with her, this relationship will work out as good as a bad of ChEx MiX! ;-) We went in the hot tub last night @ like 12AM and bonded for an hour or so. Then it was getting hot as balls so we went in and went to bed.. Didn't really do much else last night cuz we're starting to take things for granit around here.. We're just tryin to get in 'cool' for a little while.. haha.

And then this morning after we got up and showered and what not, Chad came over to hang out. We all went to get something to eat and came back to Chelsea's. He had to be @ work by 4 so when he left me and Chels tried getting a mall plan together. Which didn't work so I came home, and now im sitting here waiting for Lindsay cuz we're gonna go out for a little while.

Chad's leaving this Thursday to go hunting all weekend :-( I'm gonna be so lonely annd probably bored. But i'll manage w/ some C-rAe. lol I did have some what of a plan this weekend.. if it was even gonna go down, but its def. not worth messin things up here.

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