Feb 23, 2005 23:35
LMFAO i swear im not normal. Today was probably one of the funniest days of my life. From start to end it was just hilarious and i think ppl might think im retarded or something. I scare myself sometimes. So lets start from the begining.
I woke up at 6:10 am and i only had less than 15 mins to get read and catch my bus. so i was speeding through out. I ran to the bus stop because i was afraid i was gonna miss the freakin bus and instead it comes 15 minutes LATE. so i was running for no reason. ...IN HEELS. Not really appreciating that part of the story.
So i go on the bus which takes me to the college campus and there i take the campus bus for my class. OMG, the freakin us driver was falling asleep while he was driving. I was the only one in the bus with him and i was like "omg im gonna die today" LMFFFFAO he was literally falling asleep. Then he pulled at one of the stops and stayed there for FIFTEEN MINUTES. i was waiting patiently about to choke him. He just sat there and fell asleep again WTF want me to bring him a blanket and a pillow? So finaly like 905685098059 minutes later. He starts driving the bus again after more people got on. And for some odd reason i remember my chat with liza the day before and kept saying "pees" in my head LMFFFFFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i think only Liza will get that part. so i started cracking up in the bus and everyone was looking at me like im some kind of lunatic.
finally got off the bus and i swear i have no idea why but i just stood there infront of the door to the building waiting for it to slide open. But like 2 minutes later after waiting too long i realized it's not a sliding door LMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAOOO *cries* let me tell you i go through that door everyday so i have no clue why today i kept thinking it was a sliding door *cries again*
So i go in the building and i stop by the vending machine cuz i needed some mint. and being the idiot that i am. I take my quarters out and start putting them in the paper dollar slot LMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAOOOO it would fit and i was getting frustrated. Took me about a minute to realize i was putting it in the wrong slot.
Then later in the day i fell asleep in the video room cuz Wajiha and i were studying and the idiot, leaves the room to get something and leaves the door open after her. So im like laying down on the two chair with my shoes off sleeping and ppl passing by can see me LMFAO i looked like a homeless. I wke up like a few minutes later when forqan came and air kicked me. He said her wants to kick my head :| strange kid LMFFFFAOO i kept annoying him today saying "yalla yalla" which is the arabic word for "lets go lets go" LMFFFFAO he was so annoyed. I'm such an angel.
And of course to top all those funny happy incidents today. I finally got an e-mail from "him" and he was being extra sweet in it. He is dieing to talk to me and gave me his new cellphone number so i can call him sometimes <3333