(no subject)

Sep 05, 2007 00:42

Dear estemed 9/11 Truthers,

You know, I am really happy that you bring up these very important questions as to what really happened on Sept 11th 2001. I realize the government has been tardy recently. However, through my long days spent combing the internet and youtube for any kind of evidence(or fact) that wold suggest The attack was not commited with thermite or cruise missiles I stumbled on a little book that you 9/11 conspirators would actually enjoy reading to the detail. Below is the obscure link:

Loose change is the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen, period. There are over 80 factual errors through out the course of severe out of context quote mining, and speculation, not fact. They make the accusation that people who are experts in particular fields of studies are liars and that even the experts cant agree on exact numbers. They are right, the experts don't agree exactly with one another. (as with everything in life, see example: Doctor's second opinion) But seeing as though the collapse of the world trade center is one of the most intensely studied engineering disasters in history, the general consensus among them is that 9/11 was caused by angry muslims.


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