Edit: I have replaced most ambiguous pronouns with actual names! wow~
Guess who sold 5 pizza cards?! -- Me! Well, to be more specific, my sister =P. I got her to sell them for me. It's so much easier, and it's actually effective. I got the idea from the show "Arthur," who had gotten his younger sister to sell something for him. It's harder for adults to refuse to kids than to teens. It's my first time actually getting something sold. I have to use her more in the future.
It's sad that former close friends can turn into total enemies. Iremember back in middle school, these two girls (Rhonna and Cathy) were really close toeach other. They seemed to be best friends. Some drama happened in 9th grade (according to Cathy), and the two never fixed their relationship. Now they hate eachother. They keep talking behind each other's backs.
"Did you hear her coughing in the lab? She was so exaggerating it." (Rhonna)
"You know ___? She's a b---!" "Do you think she's pretty?" (Cathy)
It's amazing how such close friends can become such spitefulenemies. I had thought they were still good friends until last week,when Lucy brought the topic up while talking to Cathy. I was surprised,but if they stopped being friends since 9th grade, that sure shows how observant I am XD
(Excuse me Shela, for borrowing your idea of using quotes/icons. It's been so long since I've made an icon ;)
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." ~ Ronald Reagan
I wonder. If someone (you're not familiar with) is botheringyou, should you tell that person
that? I usually don't. I have a friend who has to work with someone who bothers her. If he doesn't likeworking with her, how would she telling him his faults make the situation better? Right now there is someone I must work with who gets annoying at times. She is probably annoyed with me too. Most of thetime I don't tell her that, of course. If I did, she would get angrier with me. Actually, I did get annoyed enough today to tell her, and that no doubt got her more annoyed with me XD. I'll control myself more next time.
Lately I've noticed that most people will not tell someone if he/she is bothersome. In fact, I know 5 people who have done that this schoolyear. I told Wubing why Sree dislikes being with her,and she got that settled. She wanted to know why he didn't like being with her, so she asked him, and things turned out pretty good. I guessin some cases, it is better to tell people their faults. Some peopleactually want to know. I guess I'm kinda stuck in the mindset that you should keep your negative opinions to yourself (speaking fromexperience, btw).
On the other hand, some things are better kept secret. Celia told Allen about Yiyao's opinion about him, andhe tried to change (only to make Yiyao more uncomfortable XD. She says it seems like he's forcing himself to be nice XD) I think it's hilarious. It is nice of him to actualyl go out of his way to do that tho. It's so fun listening to her complaints about him on the bus ("I want to pour acid on his head!"), especially when it's about his rudeness. Yiyao is, however, one of those people who is used to being treated with respect. Hence why she exaggerates his "rudeness". I can go on and on about how rude she makes him out to be, but I'll save that for later.
Wubing's marriage joke wabout the two was even funnier ("you know in those dramas where the guy and girl start off hating each other? And then they end up marrying in the end?). I think I'd loveto see his reaction to that. That would be so funny. That sure got abig laugh outta all of my friends. It's all just a joke, of course.Plus, Celia is like a mediator btwn the two. Yiyao and Allen won't talk to each other about this stuff, but Celia tells them instead. I love listening to their conflicts b/c they're very funny. Someone should make a story outta it.
Whether or not you should tell someone about his/her faults reallydepends on the person/situation. For now, I may consider so-and-so'spersonality before keeping things secret.
Edit: As for now, I'llmention names. Unless it's about someone whom you guys seem to be closeto. I should get an F on ambiguous pronouns XP. Whenever Cathy complains about Wubing to me, I always tell Wubing...she's a close friend, and she likes being aware of things. Of course, if someone is reading my entry, that person may tell so-and-so about me complaining about them. I do it, so I think it's rather likely that other peoplemay do it too. And that can create conflict, which I usually try toavoid (or try to). Plus, some of the stuff I post is a one-day thing. I feel angry about something one day, then I totally get over it the next day. Writing (or typing, in thsi case) it down kinda helps.
I didn't actually notice the privacy part until recently. I'm not always signed in; half the time I have to log in again when I get online, so making entries protected prevents me from viewing them in my public preview. Wow, I'm so lazy...
And also.. Dr. Coto has to get it in her head that no one understands the AP practice book. Jumping from the textbook to the endof the AP practice book = murder. The AP practice book is 10X, no--100X harder than the normal textbook. And she now grades the AP practicebook (homework) for accuracy. The problem is, she believes that us non-hispanic ppl can listen to a 5-minute audio recording (without seeing the questions that will beasked) and understand it all. She is crazy. Loca.
The reading comprehension is...X.x...I can't understand half thewords, yet I have to answer the questions, which ask me to comprehend the passage. But it's not that bad---compared to the listening comprehension. Listening to a tape for 5 minutes without seeing the questions (we only saw the answer choices) was hard. I have to actually understand/remember what the audio talking about, then listen to the questions and answer them--which I can't do. And even though everyone has a 2/9, she still doesn't realize that no one understands it. She's giving us practice AP problems and grading them for accuracy. If Ms. Parker had done that, everyone would have a 60/100.And since Dr. Coto does do that, everyone had an F on the hw grammar assignment; the instructions were so vague in the 2nd part. With the exception of the hispanic speaking ppl (21/42 --hispanic; 34/42 -- hispanic with help from his mother; everyone else---10/42). And the thing is, we all tried. So whatever you do, don't take Spanish IV AP! It's not worth it! Anyway, I will try to raise my grade...though whatever I do may be in vain.
And Dr. Coto wants to speak with Cathy and my parents about my tardiness. 0.0 Yeah, a conference about tardiness. The only reason I'm tardy in the morning is b/c Cathy comes too late! She needs to come earlier. 5 minutes earlier. Just 5 minutes. If she doesn't do that, I need to stop carpooling with her. I have been rather lucky with tardies though. In total I have 7 tardies (2 the teacher let me go on, 2 when there were subs., 3 excused tardies b/c of spirit savers), and none of them are unexcused ones. I told her the "conferences" were unneeded b/c I would take care of them.