The one thing I constantly have trouble defeating is the chapter 6 Trig. test Tawdry
Tyrant, creator of the mutant rabbits. Whenever I face him, I always
seem to forget a strategy, or he always manages to damage my health in
some way. I'll gather my equipment and rehearse my strategy more this
time, though. On Monday, we will meet again.
I still must finish my affairs in the
Physics Research Paper Deadly Skies, and I need to finish a guideline for
Free Economics outline/worksheet $Pecuniary problems.
The new bleach chapter was out, and the way the IchixRuki fans were
talking, I thought something seriously romantic happened between the
two! (kiss or confession) It turns out that Ichigo was looking at
Rukia's damaged body guiltily, giving her the same look he gave
Orihime. Then Orihime glanced at his face and her expression saddened.
Poor Orihime... Still, I think the fans were a bit...out of it.
On the other hand, Full Metal Alchemist chapter 50 was released! WHOOT!
I'll read it after I'm completely ready for my math test.
I found a place with
Chobits in chinese. Since Chi learns how to speak, her sentences won't be difficult to read. I want to read it sometime.