Dear JUMPing Fic Carnival Writer Letter 2017

Sep 21, 2017 22:07

Last updated: 24 September 2017

Dearest writer,

I find it easiest to write for someone when I have a lot of options in front of me, so I’m listing everything here in case something ~inspires~ you :D Please don’t feel as though you have to use EVERYTHING on this list - that is definitely not the intention of this letter. Feel free to pick and choose, or disregard entirely if you already have something in mind - I wouldn’t dream of trying to direct your creative vision.

Things I like:

AUs :D :D :D ALL THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSES. That being said, I wouldn’t mind canon fic either.

romance, character studies, angst, humour, running gags, silly puns, friends to lovers, domestic fluff, characters dealing with heartbreak, characters giving and receiving advice, interesting formats (e.g. epistolary, nonlinear timeline), Yamada’s hard life, #KeitosHardLife. I am totally okay with members having dated other members before, but I’d like them to be okay with each other now (even if it took a while to get to that point)

Favourite people in JUMP are Yamada, Inoo, Takaki, Chinen, Yuto

Things I dislike: cheating, verbal or physical abuse major character death, ABO, mpreg, extreme violence



Inoo/Takaki: I am so obsessed with these two I can’t even. I love that they’ve became closer over the years, something none of us could have predicted. I love that Inoo prank calls Takaki before they actually have a proper discussion on the phone, which I like to imagine is half because he’s shy, and half because he’s a brat. And yet even after all the late night phone conversations they’re still so awkward in real life. I love it. I live for it. I don’t know when they became one of my top ships in JUMP but they snuck up on me and now we’re here. I imagine Takaki’s calmness balancing Inoo’s eccentricity and randomness perfectly, while still being energetic enough to kinda meet him in the middle. Would love super sappy romantic fic of these two ♥

Yamada/Yuto: ………….yeah. I actually wouldn’t mind a Yamada-centric fic with past Yamada/Yuto of some sort. E.g. maybe they were bad for each other; maybe the relationship was kinda toxic, but they’re better now, and are actually tentatively friends

Gen (can be standalone or included in a fic with a main romantic pairing):

OT9: I love OT9 gen fic. Give me all of JUMP doing random shenanigans together, or just chilling in the dressing room. I want all the member-ai. Consulting other members for advice, be it serious or otherwise. People’s POVs i love reading from are Yamada’s, Yuto’s, Inoo’s, Chinen’s and Takaki’s.

I love HSJ OT9 crack and humour, but in addition to humorous aspects I would also love to see something more serious to balance it out.

Inoo & Chinen: I will Captain this ship until the end of time. The fact that these two are such close bros brings me Such Intense Joy. All the interviews and concert MCs where they declare their love for each other? I eat all of it up. I imagine Great Banter when I think of these two, and escalating randomness. Even if these two aren’t the main focus of this fic I would love if they featured as a side broship in the fic. No pressure of course. *bats eyelashes*

Arioka Daiki & Yaotome Hikaru & Takaki Yuya: Koshoku Robot fic as their robot counterparts, or otherwise.

Chinen Yuri & Morimoto Ryutaro:

Side-pairings (or past-pairings): Inoo with Mckenyu Arata, Yabu/Hikaru, Yabu/Takaki, Yamada/Yuto (I would actually love Yamada/Yuto to be a past pairing), Keito/Chinen

I don’t mind appearances by other JE groups/members. :D/

That’s it, dear writer! :3 I hope you have fun writing this, and that you’re excited about this JUMP fic exchange as I am!

!exchange letter, #keitoshardlife

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