
Jun 07, 2014 16:33

Caught myself staring at the helix piercings of the girl sitting opposite me during one of the (two) consultations I went to the other day, and then, as usual, had the urge to get myself some more. My second lobe piercing still hasn't quite healed though, so any others will have to wait.

ABC Classic FM's Classic 100 Baroque & Before Countdown started yesterday, so I will be listening to that all week as I study. <3 All the Baroooooooooque music. <3333333 I'm glad I was able to catch the Bach A Minor Concerto this morning - it's one of my favourites. ♥

Had so many plans for this weekend; mainly study (how is study week over already, seriously.), and figure out what I'm doing with FQF, although nothing has gotten done yet because my hay fever has been playing up all day. >.> Anyway, this time next week I will have finished all exams required for my Bachelor's.

Just left my tea brewing on the counter for almost half an hour. u_u I'm really out of it today. I guess I should just finish this post off because it's already choppy and all over the place as it is.

Aaaaand with that said, I had half a slice of the best tiramisu today. ♥


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