Crossing Lost FAQ
Updated August 24, 2006
What is Crossing Lost?
Crossing Lost is a pan-fandom play-by-post online role-playing game hosted a (Don't let the buzz word scare you, panfandom is just another way of saying "crossover.")
So, this game is a crossover with ABC's "LOST"?
Yes and no. (See next question.)
I've never seen/don't like/don't follow LOST. Do I have to know anything about it to play in this game?
No, not at all.
crossing_lostrp was originally based on and inspired by LOST. However, the influx of so many pan-fandom characters - from Immortals to Grim Reapers to Slayers (and more) - made it impossible to stick to LOST canon. There are some events, circumstances and locales taken from LOST, however this game only loosely resembles LOST in the incarnation that it has evolved into.
The RP does keep some elements in common with LOST:
- The original fandom losties arrived on the island via the crash of Oceanic Flight 815
- There are LOST canon characters among the losties
- The inexplicable and odd phenonmenon (and places) presented on the show are present on the island.
Beyond that, however, the game is strictly non-canon.
crossing_lostrp seems to be very involved and plot-driven with a lot of history. If I adopt an orphaned character, will it be hard to catch up?
No. A brief history of Crossing Lost is located
here. This timeline is brief because it only highlights the main and pinnacle things that have occurred on the island since Day 1.
Do I have to adopt an orphaned or inactive character?
No, it's not required to adopt an orphaned or inactive character to join the game. You may apply for membership with whatever character you like. However, depending on game play and how frequently orphaned characters are picked up, we may ask that if you wish a second character that you pick up an orphaned/inactive character.
I'm not familiar with a lot of the characters. Will that be a problem?
Not for a good role-player.
Seriously, though if you really want to know it all, there is
The Wiki to help with learning and identifying characters. In addition, thinking of it from your characters POV, your character wouldn't be familiar with the others on the island either, beyond learning names and faces.
What sorts of characters are allowed?
This one is a tough question with no single answer. What I can tell you is that hardcore villains/"bad guys" are not allowed. (For example, while Lex Luthor or Jonathan Crane are permitted, completely contemptous, immoral, and irredeemable characters are not. No Cylons, no demons, no warlocks, etc. Let me put it more simply: If you have to ask if your villain is allowed, he/she/it likely isn't.)
Nor are vampires allowed (There aren't that many animals, and I doubt that anyone is going to be willing to open a vein or offer up their neck on a daily basis. Unless it's non-corporeal Spike, then chances are it's not going to happen.)
Beyond that, the decision of what types of characters to allow in or not allow is solely at the discretion of the mods and the player who is applying.
Aside from vampires, no character(s) have been denied, no matter how odd and seemingly impossible it might be for them to have arrived on the island. (In one case, we worked with an applicant who was a talented writer and had great enthusiasm for the game to find a workable character.)
(Oh wait. No gods. Sorry. Just don't ask. No. No. And No.)
Are there any limits on what mediums characters can come from (ie, books, movie, television, video games)?
Not particularly. Characters from books and television are going to be accepted far more easily and readily than characters from movies and videogames (unless the movies had sequels or were based upon books) simply because book characters and television characters have far more depth and character development and therefore are viewed as being more easily played and portrayed.
The island is currently filled with book, movie, television and comic book characters.
Video game characters will likely be the most difficult to get accepted in the game for the reasons of character development stated above.
I want to play a canon LOST character, but I'm afraid that will be boring considering the abilities of some of the players.
We're not canon. Play a LOST character if you'd like and give them a new ability, new insight, new knowledge, whatever. (As long as it doesn't turn them into a god-character.) We know the island has odd influences from LOST canon: Locke can walk, Rose is no longer dying, etc. Be creative.
How much freedom will I have with my character once I'm part of the game?
As much as you want. Crossing Lost is both character-driven and plot-driven, and yes such a thing is indeed possible. The overall plot serves as a backdrop to the characters and thus far, in the nine months that the game has been live, the plot has been bent, molded and even rewritten to fit the actions, needs and desires of the characters.
How is Crossing Lost different from other pan-fandom RPGs?
We're not a melting pot crack!rp. While such a thing could be fun, there is a bit of a plot lurking in the background. As previously stated the plot is molded around the characters, but we don't wish to become a completely crack!rp. Characters arrive on the island by specific means (as decided by the player and/or the mods) and are there for a purpose - although this purpose is still currently an unknown for all the fandom lostaways - or by accident.
Why is there an age restriction?
Though we are sure that there are many talented, mature players under 18 years of age, there are several reasons for the age restriction. First of all, this is a mature, adult game that will often be dealing with mature, adult situations. Also, those 18 or older are less likely to have computer and internet time restricted by parents or guardians.
The other reason is simply the reason of maturity. While some teenagers are mature and handle themselves well in gaming situations, we know that this is the exception and not the rule. (Yes, it can be argued that the same can be said for some seemingly mature adults, but we're not here to debate the restriction, simply to explain it.)
I have a question that wasn't answered here.
Please send email to the mods at or We'll have an answer for you in minutes. (Okay, that's not true, but we will answer any questions you may have.)