Nov 16, 2004 19:51
well i guesss it's a good thing i know. i figured out since i was thinking that i like two i come to find out that one of them doesn't want a girlfriend right i guess i don't have to try and figure out which one i like more. so i guess thats a good thing? well i don't really care anymore because i either like him or i don't and i just have to figure it out. so it's all up to me..:-/ but i can do it for sure.
AND gabster might get to come to the beach with me this weekend and im excited and i hope she can because i love herr:-D!! and i hope she figures out what she needs to to because i love gab!!
but yeah things are okay i mean i don't really have a bestfriend i mean jay..but not a bestfriend that's a girl..and it sucks really bad. i have girls that are friends and i tell them stuff..but not a [[bestfriend]]and i miss having one so bad i just can't stand it!! well that's all for tonight i suppose.