Jul 18, 2007 17:22
Sorry he's in my life now and you're not. I tried to show you how I felt but you ignored it, and now you're in the past. So don't get mad that now you're not in my life. You never tried to be anyways.
I'm happy I'm in love with some one who loves me just as much if not more. We might fight a lot because I like to bring up fights because I feel like it makes us closer and I just want to get everything out, but normally fighting makes us stronger I think. Also, I've decided to calm down on bringing up the past and new fights so hopefully things will get even better.
Everyone can put their opinion in, but guess what? None of them matter. So you all can forget about me worrying about what you say about me and him and our relationship. You're not in it. Oh and I love when people put their two cents in about me when they have NO room to talk. I also know that girls will try and be bitchy to make themselves feel better. Jealousy and insecurity sucks, it's just going to make your life worse, so get over it. I feel like I've lost and am losing friends, but I've put an effort in and tried and now I'm just tired of it and not trying any more. Unless you're going to be there for me when I need you, you probably shouldn't be my friend. I bet none of my friends besides Nicole know how I feel right now and how upset I've been lately. Because it seems like simply no one wants to know or try to know. I wish my friends did know and could help me get through it and what's going on, but they don't. Also lately no matter how sad I've been, I've been trying to make new friends so I won't end up with no one there in the end. And making new friends is always good, I don't need a certain amount of friends, I'm willing to be friends with anyone. I don't need just a few good friends, but at the same time having a few good friends is nice. But if people want to be a good friend of mine and try to be, I'm not going to stop them I'm willing to have more.
Tomorrow night I'm going back to the club with Amanda hahah hopefully no sprained ankles this time. And friday he comes home to sleep over and spend the weekend with me which I'm excited about. I think he puts a ridiculous amount of effort in to me, and I feel like I need to be putting more in to him.
My goal at the beginning of summer was to actually be in the sun this summer and get ridic. tan but that ended pretty much when july started. I had something going and then stopped so now I'm only a little tan. I'm just happy I'm not super white right now hahah.
I don't even know if I care that much about going to warped tour this year. Last year it was pretty fun because I knew a bunch of people on it and it was just one big party but this year there are some people that are on it that I really DON'T want to see. Some of you know who I'm talking about and some don't. Plus unless I take time to look at the list and see who's playing I'm not going to get in free. and I don't feel like paying since I haven't in forever. it's not worth it unless enough people convince me to go.
I'm pretty excited for chicago in august. That's probably the only thing I've been excited for all summer. Nothing is going to ruin that one thing that I've been looking forward to all summer haha.
Also, I think it's dumb that people base their lives on being in love with people in bands who can barely even do the commitment thing or make time to see eachother.
I learned this from my summer last year. I look back and see how dumb it was no matter how many shows/warpedtours I was guestlisted for and how much I got to party, there wasn't anything good that came out of it. It's just a waste of time and life and makes me feel pretty pathetic. Sure, it's okay to be friends with people in bands and on tour and talk to them every once in a while, but to make it your life is just retarded. When I see girls on myspace who are only friends with "famous myspace people/band members" it makes me laugh because they look pretty ridiculous. and band members could careless and just want to bang certain girls or get a peice.
You're just going to end up old and single and have no college education, no career, and no one will be there to support you. when you're about 50 you're going to realize no one wants some one with only a highschool diploma. AND FOR THE GIRLS THAT ARE LIKE "well i can just get sweet photoshoots and modeling jobs" guess what? that works until you're about 25. no one's going to want an old lady to model for their clothing company or just be a model.
and smart guys with good jobs don't want uneducated girls with no morals with two-toned hair and wrinkley faded tattoos. Not hot.
I'm glad I got all of that off my chest.