dude. i just wrote a really long entry. and it all fucked up and now i can't rewrite it all. goddamnit. that pisses me the fuck off. thats why i dont like livejournal...cuz its GGAAAYYYYYYY ...like me.
but ANYWAYS..like i was TRYING to say...kathy took a pic of the janitor who looks like louigee from that mario game.
thats cool right?..
earlier in the entry i WAS talking about greg and how much of an asshole he really is. but i wont type all that out again, i'll wait till later if im not lazy. i also have a pic of me and my new hairdo..well its not new anymore, its been a week since i had it done :-D..thanks to val...I DIG YOU VALERIA..lol ;)..she knows what i'm talking about. but anyways here they are.
i've gotten alot of good comments on my hair. like EVERYBODY loves it and i'm glad..at first i thought nobody was gonna like it but they do! :)
dude..everyone is like stealing my picture. i made a few acceptions,.. like Val and Kathy. cuz they're cool. lol ;)...
^^^^^^^^^ i had that pic on my binder FIRST then like everyone stole my idea and they started putting it on their binder (except Kathy and Val!--only acceptions)...its like everything me, val, and kathy do..everyone else does. like my new hairdo, everyone wants to get their haircut like that. and then val's hankerchief in her back pocket, i noticed a few posers who copied it from val, and then the freakin JOURNAL thing..like IRL..its like everyone carries one now, i coulda sworn me and kathy were like the first ones last year to do that and now i see everyone else doing it..and so many other freakin things. grr!! it makes me so mad. but anyways. my fingers hurt..especially losing that last long entry...*cries like an emokid*