Dec 27, 2004 22:16
last night i watched an intense flick about lennon's peace ralleys n stuff. it was so sad it made me want to get involved really bad, but instead i got online and talked to gnick. before i never realized what a self centered ignorant cuntrag he was. he always thought he had all the answers and i sorta did too, but it was all bullshit he knows nothing and cares about nothing, i dont care about him the least bit anymore. after my talk with him i began to think about my own life and how it's going to fade away, i refuse to die without leaving a mark. i called sam and talked to her about it though. and OMG TODAY WHEN I CALLED HER I COUDL TELL SHE WAS IN A CAR, AND I ASKED WHAT SHE WAS DOING AND SHE SAID WATCHING TV, I COULD TELL SHE WAS SO FULL OF SHIT THEN BRANDON PICKED UP THE PHONE AND WAS LIKE "NICE WAY TO RUIN A SURPRISE SARAH!" SAM MOVED HERE TODAY! OMG I COULDNT BELEIVE IT!!! so anyway that's all that happend they came over and so did treven my mom made all of them eat dinner haha. bye journal, im talkin to the lovely cayla potata.