Partay ova here...Partay ova ther...Partay at NICOLES! =Þ haha

Jan 11, 2004 10:58

Man last night was fun sure her parents thot we were all on crack but
It ended up being me, joel, nicole(obviuosly), whitney, kerby, leah. adam, veronica, charlie, hannah, sarah, octavia, some girl i didnt kno her name, a girl named monica, a girl named kim, a guy named billy, other basketball people that i dono...and i ono who else...but was fun stuff...PULLUPS! Nicole...ur a big kid now...hah...GOSH we listened to Bohemian Raphsody like a bazillion times haha. and all the chior people were singing and i was all umm sure...? man we (being me, charlie and billy) duct taped nicole and kim to a tree outside. it was fun. i think charlie had more fun taking the tape off... =\. we jumped on her trampoline too. me, charlie and kerby and we were having a contest to see who could stay up and jumping longest and i always lost...prolly cuz im so small...cept for the time that i won! haha. i gave up and jus sat there and let them bounce me and i was like flying all around on was fun...nicole drove me and charlie home after kim finally left...which was like 12:30. soo yah. it was fun...good times guys...nicole i want copies of the tree pix and the ones w/ the shoelaces on my face like a present! haha
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