no comments =\ i want comments

Mar 04, 2004 09:25

lalal today was a good day...i ono why but it was...
english was boring as usual tho. bio was fun cuz we had a sub and didnt do jack. band was normal. spanish was good jus cuz i fell asleep sorta. world history dude i smoked the test. piece o cake. geometry was jus blah as usual. then lala rehearsal. my lesson went extremyly good yay =) and drivers ed was kinda dull but its gonn b that way lots. i jus want my liscence but i wont get it til september. yah and thats all fer now...i want comments...i dont get comments anymore...i think ima do a friends cut. so comment if u wanna stay.(even tho i only got like 5 friends. =\
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