I want my laptop!!!

Jun 03, 2003 13:17

A whole week without a laptop. The guy at the AppleCentre said it'd be repaired, at the latest, on Tuesday. I called Dan, who works at aforementioned AppleCentre, and it turns out they haven't even touched it yet. Greeeeeeeeeeaaat.
I'm through the whole laptop withdrawal stage and now I'm discovering so much free time. Normally, I'd be programming or reading about whatever emerging technology on my 'puter but now that I can't do that, I've got so much free time. At least now when I do get my machine back, I'll appreciate it more and use it more appropriately (so as to leave myself with more of this free time I've been enjoying).
Apple's lowered the prices on their 12" and 15" Powerbooks. This can only mean that they're getting rid of existing stock before announcing the next iteration of those models. I SO want one.
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