i had these dreams in them i learn to play guitar, maybe cross the country... become a rock star..

Nov 15, 2004 16:02

I'm listening to probably the sappiest of all sappy songs... Konstantine by Something Corporate, and I don't care if you think this band is gay I fucking love them and always have.

I remember back in the day when me and Jane would sit and listen to this song, thinking and being gay about it. We were such homos then but god I absolutely love that woman. NINE FREAKIN YEARS AND I STILL HAVEN'T STOPPED LOVING HER!

Last night I found it very hard for me to fall asleep. I got to bed at like 1ish..? but didn't actually SLEEP until about 4.. I just couldn't fall asleep. So much was running through my head, about a certain someone. And then Anthony and how much I miss him and really hope that visiting him on Saturday will work out. Bastard had to move to Marengo *shakes fist*

I don't know so much crap

*~* my konstatine came walking down the stairs, and all that i could do was touch her long blonde hair. and i've been thinkin, but it hurts me thinkin that these nights when we were drinkin no they never got us anywhere.. no..

is this because i can spell konfusion with a k and i can like it. it's to dying in anothers arms, and why i had to try it. it's to jimmy eat world and those nights in my car. when the first star you see, may not be a star. i'm not your star. *~*

sorry had to break out in song, god damn it's been far too long since i've listened to them.

anywho.. i'm going to stop rambling LEAVE ME LOVE!!!!!!
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