Jun 26, 2004 22:46
i haven't been posting for more than 2 months. Though that doesn't surprise me... No one will be reading this. I am sad. Very sad. Anyhow, homework not done, 3/4 in school. I have been doing art for 6 hours and it is still uncompleted. Ugh. I'm tired. I haven't been writing, haven't been posting, haven't been cramming enough but have had too much slacking. Oh dear. And I miss my computer! ;_;
Things not working at home:
1. DVD player
2. computer
3. printer
4. scanner
5. doorbell (it screws)
Things We just got:
1. juicer
2. microwave oven (though i have no idea how to operate it. ^^;)
Ok, came back from Thailand with my friends and teacher and got many many things. Spent over 2 hundred, I think. oops.
OK, OK, cousin bugging me for computer now... sigh. Arite, wun hold him up (is that the right usage?). going to sleep now!!!