The 2007 UChicago Scav list is
officially up. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go check it out -- here are two good examples:
256. A. A. A Four. A Four. A Four Trampoline. A Four Trampoline. A Four Trampoline Based. A Four Trampoline Based. A Four Trampoline Based Game. A Four Trampoline Based Game. A Four Trampoline Based Game of. A Four Trampoline Based Game of. A Four Trampoline Based Game of Simon. A Four Trampoline Based Game of BZZZZZZZZZ. [200 points]
68. A brief, relaxing break. At 1:00 o'clock on Saturday morning, send a representative to Bartlett to chill out for a bit, relate wacky stories about Scavenger Hunt shenanigans and tom-foolery, and drink a can of Red Bull [1 point]. Drink 2 cans of Red Bull [1+2 points]. Drink 3 cans of Red Bull [1+2+3 points]. Drink n cans of Red Bull [(n/2)(n+1) points]. BYORB, cans only, 60 second time limit. [-((n-1)/2)n point vomit penalty]