Jun 02, 2004 22:16
.:: tHe BaSiCs ::.
Whut`s yOur full name?: stacey lee snoke
Where were yOu bOrn?: nj
Where dO yOu live nOw?: nj
Whut`s yOur birthday?: december 17th
Well, whut`s yOur age then?: 17
Whut cOlOr is yOur hair?: Dark brown
Whut cOlOr are yOur eyes?: Dark brown
HOw tall are yOu?: 5'8'
Whut`s yOur weight? (dOn`t answer if yOu feel uncOmfOrtable): 112893 (i lost 3 lbs hehe)
Whut`s yOur shOe size?: 8
Whut`s yOur race?: White
Whut`s yOur religiOn?: i love god
DO yOu have a bOyfriend/girlfriend?: no
If sO, whut`s his/her name?: ...
Again, if sO, hOw lOng have yOu been dating?: ...
If yOu dOn`t have a bOyfriend/girlfriend, whO is yOur crush?: a lot of people hehe i'm just one giant ho
.:: Out Of yOur friends, whO`s ... ::.
the lOudest?: MICHELE
the quietest?: Andy
the smartest?: Larry
the stupidest?: no names
the blOndest?: jane heheh
the funniest?: jay and tom
the mOst reliable?: Sarah, Mia
the least reliable?: Steve
the persOn mOst likely tO gO tO jail?: Andrea haha no offense girl
the persOn least likely tO gO tO jail?: Jaci
the persOn mOst likely tO drink?: Um, some already do
the persOn least likely tO drink?: the rest of the people that don't drink
the persOn mOst likely tO dO drugs?: same as above
the persOn least likely tO dO drugs?: same as above
the persOn mOst likely tO be a teenage mOther?: Christina hahaha
the persOn least likely tO be a teenage mOther?: all my friends besides christina
.:: HaVe YoU eVeR? ::.
smOked?: No
drank alcOhal?: Yes
had sex?: No
played hOokey?: yea
yelled at a teacher?: Yes
gOt in a fist fight?: yeah
slept Outside?: Yes
gOtten high?: yea
gOtten drunk?: yea
stripped?: Yea
gOne skinny dipping?: yeah
flashed sOmeOne?: umm not my boobs haha but i do on accident
been Out Of the cOuntry?: yeah
been On a plane?: yeah
been tO disney?: yeah
played strip pOker?: kinda
met a celebrity?: no
.:: tYpE tHe FiRsT tHaT cOmEs To MiNd ::.
red: Favorite colour
orange: ferg
yellow: coldplay
green: mike
blue: dolphin
indigo: indians
purple: soda
pink: jenny girl
black: ryan heany
white: dove
brown: sarah hersh
copper: my votta
bronze: olympics
gold: cd
silver: pretty
water: healthy
earth: sucks
fire: Hot knees (agree with mia haha)
air: nothing
heart: love
dark: spider
light: heaven
star: shooting
moon: orange
sun: hot
planet: black
.:: NaMe A sOnG fRoM tHe BaNd/SiNgEr ::.
HIM: Er..
Story Of The Year: anthem of our dying day
New Found Glory: all about her
Three Days Grace:
Yellowcard: Finishline
Britney Spears (shudders): toxic!!!!!!!
Christina Aguilera: come on over
N*Sync: drive myself cravy
Backstreet Boys: quit playing games
Fefe Dobson: ..
P!nk: there you go
Kelly Clarkson: A Moment Like This
.:: RaNdOmNeSs ::.
Whut`s yOur favOrite cOlOr?: red
DO yOu like HIM?: no
DO yOu like CKY?: no
Have yOu seen CKY, CKY2K, CKY3, Or CKY4?: i was just talking about it today i saw one of them
DO yOu think bam margera is wiked tOtally hOt?: hella yeah
DO yOu watch viva la bam?: yeah
whut`s yOur favOrite mOvie?: the princess diaries
Whut`s yOur favOrite t.v shOw?: a lot
WhO`s yOur favOrite actOr?: ed
WhO`s yOur favOrite actress?: angelina!
Whut`s yOur favOrite fOod?: cheese cereal
Whut`s yOur favOrite animal?: eeyore