Mar 04, 2004 18:43
okay so for the few couple days satan was sort of tempting me and i was actually okay iwth it. then today i just noticed that it was satan, and i was like NOOOO way i can't do this or think like this, it's wrong. so yeah christina, I was loosing focus. sorry, but i didn't even notice. it all hit me at once. i feel terrible. but i am alright now. i just have been so tired and stuff(yeah lame excuse) and i wasn't really concerned about anything in the world. i didn't care about ME changing it. ahughhhhhhh. well, yeah other then that my relationship with god has just boosted up in the past week. yes, it IS because of the passion, but it was because i just realized how real this is and how the world is supposed to hate me. i just am in awe of god. i don't know what he wants for me but i shouldn't worry because he is my protecter. he is amazing. i just want to cry right now. i feel so guilty for satan letting me just stop for even one second from glorifying god and focusing on myself. that is selfish. geeze, satan is here. he will befriend you. he will kill you.
as a christian, i should be loving towards everything. i am not. i do some stuff out of stubborness.
so pray.
pray for stacey to love. :)
okay well my cd player is MIA. i would like that back. well i really just want my cd. the strokes if yoiu all are wondering because i know you were.
something is telling me that i need to read desiring god. so pray that i can read that and understand it.
well, i start my job saturday at 11.
awesome. i am going to build relationships hopefully. the people are a little on the old side but i'll be alright.
well i love you guys.
i miss you :(