(no subject)

Aug 22, 2008 05:06

I just-- fjdlksnkj I've never been so frustrated and ANGRY in my entire life. It's almost like I have a heart, pfft. I was enjoying our fight, Roxas, until your retarded boyfriends felt the need to step in and make it unequal. You're not so bad with those stupid weapons of yours. But that doesn't change the fact that I was KILLED AGAIN due to being ganged up on at the last minute, and that I would really like to just rip the shit out of something right now, preferably something that will scream and cry while I'm doing it. Preferably a Sora, but I really doubt I'll get that at this point without an absurd amount of luck.

I miss Marluxia. At least he and I were on the same wavelength. And he was usually up for a good stress-release fuck, too. That would tide me over until I found a decent victim, but sadly...

death, goddamn keyblades

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