Today my heart felt years older and my body much younger.

Feb 01, 2005 10:03

Ever look at the increments of time tied to things and you just want to flip? 26 years of life? 8 years since highschool? Driving for 10 years? 3 months with glaswegian_took ? They all are measurements for things transcended and still flowing through the veins almost all of them seem like miscalculations when I know they are true. It is like stepping on a scale and being like "OH MY GOD!!! I didn't realize it was so much turn in one direction or the other." It's actually 1 in the morning? Where does all the time go? Straight to the etched lines of your face to some it seems. Wasn't this coffee hot 5 minutes ago? Oh, well maybe it was a bit longer than 5 minutes. Damn is it after 10 o'clock? Are we doing sushi? I have to wait like 5 minutes for them to make the stuff though. I seems a much longer time when not in the context of cooling coffee.

Seems like a lifetime ago I was something I'm not now. Whether that be me 5 years ago or 5 months ago. Sometimes I change more in a month than I will in 3 years. Things move fast now. Things move slow. Do I feel older today? I feel older every hour. Some are blinks of an eye. Some are an eternity. They are both an hour. Lifetimes or a single breath that we are told are the same size.
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