[fanart] Itachi Sketch + College Orientation! (:

Jul 07, 2011 19:02

Messy shading, but eh I like being messy once in a while. xD

If the sketch wasn't good enough, then how about a trip down memory lane? Haha anyone remember this? XD Come to think of it I haven't done any linearts in a long time... not even for the Yoite pics... or that Mukuro one. o_O Anyways. College orientation! :D

I'm so glad I chose to the school I did  (Calstate Long Beach), because it is everything I expected it to be and wanted and even more. I met some pretty cool people too; a guy named Ero who moved from San Francisco and Capel (at least I think so, I couldn't get a good look at his name tag), who moved down from all the way from Sacramento~ The campus is very bright, sunny, warm, and overall just simply inviting and happy. There are plenty of funny monuments all around the school, like the "vagina" (LOL) and the "whale," even though it looks nothing like it... The vagina looked more like a surfboard and the whale was more like a flower. But I'm thankful they're there, otherwise I would never have found my way back to the orientation room, rofl. Who gets lost from just walking from orientation to lunch? Oh, wait, me. OTL xD

The tour was great even though it gave just a tad too much information~ It was difficult to remember all the buildings and their initials and what they did and where they can be found, and to think that was only the engineering section of the school (there's like 200 more acres I haven't even walked on >_> ). I just know I'm going to fail on the first day of the semester, I mean if I can get lost in high school then college will just... oh no SOMEBODY SAVE ME XD I'm going to be one of those poor lost little freshmen. ;A;

But, moving on~ The helpers and the advisers were really, really nice (I mean, for reals nice, not those professional kinds of nice) and I was actually able to understand the way things worked without having to ask people around me for once~ <3 Then again they're students too I think, so that would explain why they can be that much more helpful. Signing up for classes was a lot simpler than I thought too~ (: Having the freedom to build your schedule the way you want it made me feel so incredibly happy that it's almost stupid to feel that happy over such a thing. xD

And for those of you who are so curious as to read up until this point (wow, and thank you for your time by the way xD), here's my schedule~ :D I got pretty lucky for once, and it was pretty hilarious choosing classes because the lady helping me was flipping out over how much credit I got from AP exams xD I ended up having only to take mostly GE's, and by the end of my first fall semester I would be done with 3/4 of it. Awesome! x) Whoops, I blabbed again. Anyway here's my schedule XD

Monday - JAPN 102-02, 11:00AM - 11:50AM ---- ENGR 101-02, 1:00PM - 1:50PM

Tuesday - MUS 190-02, 9:30AM - 10:45AM ---- JAPN 102-02, 11:00AM - 11:50AM ---- CECS 100-11, 2:00PM - 2:50PM ---- CECS 100-12 3:00-4:15PM

Wednesday - JAPN 102-02, 11:00AM - 11:50AM

Thursday - MUS 190-02, 9:30AM - 10:45AM ---- JAPN 102-02, 11:00AM - 11:50AM ---- CECS 100-11, 2:00PM - 2:50PM ---- CECS 100-12 3:00-4:15PM

Friday - Nothing~! xD

I guess the only bad things that I'll be going home at around 5:30PM-ish on Tuedays and Wednesdays, but that's okay. <3

All in all, compared to high school I just feel so much livelier here, the atmosphere and the mood is simply wonderful~ I am in love with this campus <3 Only problem left now is to figure out and remember where my class is... time to map them out. @w@ I wonder if 15 minutes really is enough to go from class to class? D: Hmmm... well, Fall semester doesn't start till August 29, so I have plenty of time! Haha XD

That's all for now, may things work out for everyone~! :D
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