its been a while...

Jun 01, 2007 23:39

so, time flies when you're having fun... or so they say..

but time flies when you're missing home too.

I guess my life has been productive lately. I work at Sam's Club now making pretty good money. I also have had my own car since december.. and it's actually not a shit box. The payments are killing me, but im managing. I'm in college full time also.. who would've thought?
If you knew me between april and august of last year, you could say i was going nowhere fast at the time.
My only complaint as of right now is that im slowly climbing my way out of debt. But, it's my own fault so i have to suck it up and deal with it. On the upside, I have a roof over my head, a clean place to sleep, food to eat and a shower to use. Much more that I had back home... but that doesn't change the fact that I miss it everyday.

Anyways, i thought id actually put a real entry in here for a change.. and if anyone reads it, they can have a short update on my life.

i miss you all.
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