Here it is 2:30 am I am dead awake cann't fall asleep. I have work at 8:00am and four more days of work this week not including all the othere stuff I am doing this week. I need sleep I cann't sleep! BLAH!.......
No one onine to talk to this evening. They are all probably sleeping. So here I am talking to myself again. Not really but close enough typing this. My tat is healing nicely I am looking forward to the next one. It was so nice to get ink. I guess I could start typing poetry but that was never my forte. Lyrics for music I can do when I am in the mood but right I am not in the mood.
You know I would go and do something but I live in the fucking bible belt where I swear everything shuts down at midnight or 2am. WHat is this world comming to. Maybe a glass of wine will help. brb
Not the best I have ever drank but it is what I have in the casa right now. I think I would rather a good single malt scotch. Man I wish this computer had a good graphix prog. I am bored.
Well I havent looked at fangoria in a wile I wonder if there is anything good going on right now?
hmmmm interesting. Henry Rollins hosting a horror tv show. That could be interesting check it out.
Dark Vision So far most of it has been lame as hell.There is a harsh review on forsaken which I have not seen yet.You gota be kidding me they are putting out another toxic avenger. Ok that is it the world is comming to an with a screeching halt.
Ok lets see what else I can find to is now 3:12am and all is to fucking quiete.
You know I think I know what this city needs. A really good industrial rave production company set up like a tv show. Live broadcasts onlne only. create show and skits wile there are no partys on maybe streem a little music here and there. You know I might actualy be able to pull it off. I know a few musicians and production company. I have a friend who owns a rave company maybe I should make a few calls. ahhhh shit it is 3:24 in morning most are probably asleep and the rest don't like people calling this late. Fuck this I am going of line.