May 20, 2009 14:46
That is where I also took a shot yesterday.
Monday night I was coughing so hard I seriously considered going to urgent care. Mom wasn't home and I was concerned about driving myself as I didn't want to get to coughing so bad I couldn't drive safely. By the time she got home urgent care was closed so I opted to wait and see if I could get into the doctor.
The doctor worked me in at 10:30. I got a shot of antibiotics, a prescription for antiboitics and some powerful cough syrup.
The stuff I was able to cough up this morning was looser and hopefully it will all be gone by this weekend.
She said I had a sinus infection that moved to my chest area.
I'm glad I went when I did before it turned into something more serious.
Work has been going. One week left thanks to the ice storm. I did sign my contract the other day so I do have a job for another year.
I will be all caught up in the morning and I will then go and start getting things ready for summer school.
It is time to go home.
Have a great hump night.