Jan 30, 2006 20:44
Clearly I wasn't thinking right.
Today's agenda was bizaarely full. I actually didn't get to go to the doctor. Gargh.
So, on to things:
7.50 am
Woke up and realized with a start that if my lazy body didn't start moving, I shall be late for my bus, and consequently late for school. And I couldn't really afford to do that.
8.36 am
After taking a shower and bolting my breakfast (eggo waffles and burger with mayo) in record time, I ran all the way to my bus stop.
9.15 am
Got to school looking quite disgruntled. With my lunch in tow (chicken and gravy plus an apple turnover) I trudged in the tunnels (avoid winter chill!) to get to Bio B class.
9.30 am
Bio B class starts.
9.45 am
Started falling asleep as professor lectures about pressure in blood vessels. Slid down seat, consequently knocking my pencil case down the space between my row and the lower row before me. Was too lazy to pick it up. Decided to leave it until class ends.
10.15 am
Got out of seat and extended my hand down to reach into that incredibly small space to get said pencil case. Left a pen under the chair but didn't care--I had to go to my next class.
10.25 am
Got to Intro to Psych class, looking for a seat. Made a mental note not to sit before two very talkative guys in class. Very distracting.
10.27 am
Andrea comes to take the seat I saved for her and started talking about Intro to Psych test on Friday.
10.30 am
Intro to Psych class starts.
11.15 am
Bolted out of Intro to Psych class to get to Intro to Women's Studies. Was about to get out of Fletcher Argue Theatre when I realized I had left my little lunch bag under my seat. Quickly rushed to get it--didn't fancy the idea of spending $5.00 for lunch.
11.20 am
Got to Intro to Women's Studies class in Tier, and found class waiting by the hall. Fell in line with Andrea talking about working during the weekend until Ronnie joins in.
11.26 am
Bianca dropped by my class just to say that she was treating me out to lunch! She was going to pick me up once class ends.
11.30 am
Intro to Women's Studies class begins.
11.35 am
Group work starts. Group troops to Elizabeth Dafoe library to talk about Women and Sexuality.
11.43 am
Group settles in Icelandic Reading Room in library. Talked a bit about porn, female genital mutilation, birth control and chastity.
12.11 pm
Talk evolved to marriage, sex, and first times.
12.25 pm
Group work ends.
12.30 pm
Bianca, Leanne, Ronnie, Bianca's friend and I go to University Centre to eat lunch.
12.38 pm
Bianca buys me my lunch, which was a Chicken Caesar wrap. YUM!
12.46 pm
Lunch group found an empty booth to eat in. Had loads of fun talking about significant others and a particular stripper night at Monty's. Lol.
1.15 pm
Leanne had to leave for her next class at St. Paul's, which was Behaviour Modification.
1.25 pm
Had to remind Ronnie to start walking to Armes--her Physiology class starts in five minutes.
1.30 pm
Picked up Erika at a different table to go to the computer lab in Helen Glass Centre (Faculty of Nursing). Bianca tagged along to see the building for herself.
1.37 pm
Got into computer lab with encoded ID. It was locked at all times, and only encoded IDs could get in. Nobody had theirs encoded yet, so had to use mine to get in.
1.40 pm
Started working on website critique. Started stressing about minute details. Called to mind whatever writing prowess I still have left to edit said paper.
2.40 pm
Finished polishing paper, then helped Bianca with her Computer Usage assignment.
2.47 pm
Tried printing out 2 copies of paper, but printers were busy printing other stuff. Had to check which printer wasn't getting used.
2.50 pm
Bolted out of the computer lab to go to Duff Roblin to complete survey for 1 research credit for Intro to Psych.
3.00 pm
Got to Duff Roblin on time. The survey, apparently, was not.
3.05 pm
Survey begins.
3.31 pm
Finish survey up. Grabs copy of consent form and starts running to catch 3.30 appointment for paper checking.
3.38 pm
Got back to computer lab in Helen Glass Centre to retrieve rough draft of paper. Assured Bianca that am coming back to help with assignment.
3.40 pm
Cosette, the person who was going to check the paper, was waiting patiently at her desk. Apologized for lateness.
4.10 pm
Paper checking done.
4.12 pm
Went back to computer lab to help Bianca with said assignment. Told her that I had to catch a bus at 4.40 for doctor's appointment.
4.30 pm
Started trying to wrap up homework. Decided to finish tomorrow instead.
4.35 pm
Left Helen Glass Centre to get to University Centre.
4.40 pm
Walked outside, and was devastated to find that the express bus had left. Had to make do with normal bus.
4.58 pm
Had to cancel doctor's appointment since I wasn't going to make it in time anyway. Moved it to Wednesday. Was very infuriated at how things turned out.
5.14 pm
Got to downtown to catch 19 bus, only to realize that it had come a minute earlier. Had to catch another bus, which stops ten minutes away from house.
5.36 pm
Head immersed in schedule for the week: a test was scheduled on Friday and hadn't done much studying, plus am working on Wednesday from 3.00 to 11.00 pm. Got so stressed that I actually walked past my street--had to backtrack and retrace steps. Couldn't help smiling at own stupidity.
5.38 pm
Got home.
6.00 pm
Indulged self with watching 8 Simple Rules on cable.
6.32 pm
Forced self to start working on paper, but got lazy, so didn't.
7.04 pm
Bianca called to meet up tomorrow. Will meet up after my physical examination (OMG!).
7.09 pm
Started working like crazy on website critique paper due tomorrow.
8.04 pm
Boyfriend called, mocking Sunday night drama. :)
8.29 pm
Pretended to call other boyfriend and said good-bye. Called Erika instead to say that paper was sent to email, and asked to call back once done reading through.
8.38 pm
Called boyfriend back, and said a proper good night.
8.49 pm
Erika called and said all was good. Hopeful to get an A+ on paper. *crosses fingers*
9.04 pm
Was supposed to study Psychology but ended up upating lj instead. Sheesh.
10.01 pm
Boyfriend called and asked if I wanted to go to the carwash with him. I could not resist.
10.05 pm
Got out of house as quiet as could be.
10.11 pm
Got to carwash and learned the basics of washing a car--or van, in his case. Learned how to use... omg, I don't even know what it's called... a thing you use to get the water out of your windows. Either way, had fun spending time with boyfriend.
10.32 pm
Done washing.
10.40 pm
Went to Burger King drive thru to buy food.
10.55 pm
Got home.
11.00 pm
Edited lj.
11.04 pm
Boyfriend called and asked if I was busy the next day. Apparently his sister needed help with university application. Must call her up during break tomorrow to ask.
11.05 pm
Returned to editing lj.
11.26 pm
With studying out the window, and time management a failure, I am finally done with editing lj.