A forced goodbye

Apr 16, 2017 21:14

It's been quite a while since I posted here, and I'm not at all sure many people who know me remain. I've had very strong feelings about not destroying fandom assets even after creators have moved on, and it was never my intention to delete this journal.

Setting aside all drama and politics, let me just say that the new LJ TOS has left me with no personal choice but to do just that. I'm in the process of migrating my entire journal to Dreamwidth, and am capturing all my fic from LJ communities and re-publishing it to my Archive of Our Own (AO3) account.

If in the future you want to read my fiction, visit me on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Xie/works

If you want to walk down memory lane for some reason and read what used to be here, you can visit the mirror of this journal on Dreamwidth (note that the migration is not complete as I write this, so it may not be there just yet... but it will be soon): https://xie-xie-xie.dreamwidth.org/

My fic index has lived on InsaneJournal for years, and is still there and still current. However, when I publish new fic, which is something I very rarely do, it will be posted on AO3.

You  can also find me on Twitter and I may even re-awaken my Tumblr... stranger things have happened.

I am not sure how long it will take Dreamwidth to complete migrating my LJ, and for me to figure out how to get my images out of my Scrapbook -- all my fic banners are there, as well as the background and header for my themes at IJ, Dreamwidth, and Tumblr, as well as those banners I included on AO3. I also never re-published any of my drabbles that originally appeared on LJ communities, of which there are apparently billions, and I have no idea how long it will take me to scrape them from the communities they're posted on. So this post and journal may be here for a couple more weeks, if you want to say hello. :)

I spent some of the happiest, most creative times of my life here, and made friends I know and treasure to this day. For those of you who were part of that, thank you.


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