interests meme
Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.
buffalo psychiatric center - the HH richardson complex, now abandoned. my favourite building in buffalo (shhh dont tell the terminal). the only building in buffalo i can't get in. been dying to get in since i was a kid, and my mom threatened to lock me up in the towers if i was bad. so so beautiful....
crayola - how can you not like crayons?? especially crayola. the only "official" color pallete in my opinion. and that distinctive smell that gives you flashbacks to elementary school and childhood in general. i even went to the crayola factory in pennsylvania with leighanne. we were the oldest people without kids there. it was fabulous.
history - i just really like history. in particular the 1900s. and the cold war, nuclear proliferation, etc.
korn - i like them. or used to. or rather like some of their stuff
music - music is life
survivor - THE BOOK not the TV show. i've never seen the tv show. it's the book by chuck palahniuk, generally regarded as his best. very very good book, highly recommended. his style of writing is not great for your english majors, its not classical or high literature at all, but it's good.
trent reznor - GOD!