The Seduction of Samuel Winchester 3/?

Aug 12, 2013 20:32

Title: The Seduction of Samuel Winchester 3/?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: Very mild dub-con, wincest, language, rimming
Summary: Dean wants Sam...he wants him bad. How long can Sam resist before finally giving in to temptation?

Sam's POV

Leaving the house after the scene I had witnessed was a nightmare. I'd spent all day walking around town feeling utterly ashamed of myself for letting Dean get the best of me. My own brother had gotten me hard. It was almost as if God was testing me, trying to see just how far he could push me before I finally snapped and committed the ultimate sin. I couldn't understand why it was so hard to get him out of my head. It's like there was this…ache deep inside of me. I felt like I needed to be close to him, to touch him…to taste him. That feeling stayed with me the entire time I was gone, electrical impulses crackling in my brain every time I so much as thought his name. By the time I had finally convinced myself to go home, it was 4:00 in the morning. I couldn't help but think of that as a good thing. I mean, after all…Dean would be asleep considering it was the middle of the night, right? Wrong.

I walked through the front door as quietly as I could, not wanting to awaken the slumbering beast I could hear shuffling around in the next room. Removing my coat, I made my way towards the bathroom to wash my face, only to stop dead in my tracks as the rustling of sheets echoed in my curious ears. Standing completely still, I tried to identify what was wrong with the situation in which I had currently found myself. It felt like something was…off. My suspicions were confirmed when not even a second later, Dean's soft moan pierced the atmosphere of the otherwise silent house, the sound making my blood run cold. What I had just heard wasn't a normal moan. Was he…?

"Ooh. Oh…baby."

My body shivered as the pitch of his muffled moans amplified, the bedsprings creaking mercilessly beneath the weight of my big brother. I pressed my back against the door of our bedroom and listened to him jack off, urgently unbuckling my belt and whipping my cock out of my jeans. I ran my fist up and down the length to the rhythm of Dean's groans, his voice spurring me on as I gave myself pleasure.

"Sammy. Oh god, Sammy."

I moaned as my name fell from the lips of my sin, the fingers encasing my throbbing prick increasing in frequency with every whimper that spilled from Dean's delicious mouth. My belly filled with heat as the orgasm I was striving toward grew near, the unbearable sensation too much for me to handle. Dean's voice was driving me crazy, my name continuously being chanted like a prayer. It was as if we were using our bodies as vessels, each worshipping the other through a ritual consisting of nothing more than self-gratification.

I am my brother's desire…and he is mine.

The thought of that had my balls drawing close to my body before I was ready, the force of my orgasm extracting a loud cry from my throat as I came all over my shaking hand. The evidence of my arousal dripped between my clenched fingers, spilling onto the floor in a sticky puddle.


The question startled me, the sound of Dean's voice closer than it was just moments before. I swore silently as I used my jacket to wipe up the mess I'd made, throwing it in the laundry room before adjusting myself and opening the door.

I gasped as I took in the form of my naked brother, his erect cock pointing in my direction. Dean's concerned expression held a hint of mischief, his patented smirk surfacing for a split second before disappearing behind his mask of artificial apprehension.

"Dean! I uh…I'm sorry that I just ran off like that. You must have been worried."

Dean took a cautious step forward, the intensity in his gaze filling me with a strange sense of unease. "That's okay, baby. I'm just glad you're alright. You look tired. Maybe you should get some rest."

"That would probably be a good idea," I replied quietly, trying my best to school my features into something resembling nonchalance.

"Okay," he smiled. "Your sheets are kinda dirty…you wanna sleep in my bed?"

I blushed furiously as my eyes guiltily traveled over to the sheets on his mattress, dick growing hard at the thought of his naked body writhing in between soft white cotton, his sweat saturating the bed as he came uncontrollably with my name on his lips. I wanted to be in there with him so badly, to feel his thick cock slide sensuously in and out of my body while I drowned relentlessly in the dark emerald eyes I loved so much. Shoving my impure thoughts into the deepest recesses of my consciousness, I fell on top of my own bed with a sigh, trying hard to ignore my brother's still very much erect member.

"I'll be fine, Dean. I just wanna go to sleep. Goodnight."

Dean chuckled and plopped down on his mattress, directing that godawful smirk my way. "Sammy?"

"What?" I whined.

"I love you, you know."

I smiled in spite of myself, his words warming my heart. Yep, it was official…I'd become a total girl.

"Yeah," I replied, eyes closing as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. "I know."

"Sammy? Wake up, baby. I made you breakfast."

My eyes fluttered open as I felt Dean's soft lips kiss my cheek, the smell of freshly cooked bacon invading my eager nostrils. I sat up when I noticed the tray straddling my torso, the plate of food on top making my mouth water.

"Shit, Dean. You really went all out, didn't ya?"

"Yep. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. There's a fresh croissant for you that I got from the bakery across the street and I can get you some toast if you like. Oh, and there's hash browns too if you want 'em."

I gave my brother a suspicious stare as I contemplated the reason for his sudden thoughtfulness, the nagging feeling that he somehow did all this for his own personal gain eating away at me. The sound of my growling stomach put any doubts I had to rest as I shoveled food into my mouth, groaning in satisfaction at the taste of maple syrup on my greedy tongue. Dean's happiness at my reaction made me smile so I motioned for him to sit beside me in bed. We spent the next several hours talking about everything under the sun, laughing like a couple of old goons at an old memory of dad getting drunk and pissing in the dishwasher. Sure, it wasn't his finest hour but in his defense, it was the anniversary of mom's death so I usually refrain from getting on his case about that one.

The rest of the day passed by in a total blur, each moment spent with my brother so glorious that I actually lost track of time. It wasn't until I noticed the moonlight casting its luminous glow on Dean's handsome face that realization hit me.

"Dude, we've been gone all day. I feel like a girl. All we did was shop."

Dean laughed. "Yeah, but we shopped at manly places so technically we're still okay."

I grimaced as I wiped the sweat off my brow. "Ugh. I feel gross. I need to shower."

"I got a better idea," Dean replied. "Why don't I draw you a hot bath? I'll put bubbles in it just like I did when you were a little boy. Maybe light you some a Zen thing. Whaddya say?"

Warning signs flashed in my brain at Dean's words. I couldn't understand why the hell he was being this way with me. I mean, Dean was always a great brother, always taking care of me and shit. But this was out of left field, even for him. My brother's words to me the other day when dad left weren't lost on me; I remembered every single one of them. But he seemed so genuine about all of this and I couldn't deny that it made me feel special. It was like I had my brother back. You know, the one who didn't try to fuck me every two seconds. I thought that as long as he kept his distance, he could masturbate to visions of me any day of the week. So, being the loving person that I am, I decided to trust his sincerity and chalk it all up to him showing me how sorry he was for practically molesting me.

I agreed to his request and went inside to get myself some fresh clothes (he even did my fucking laundry. Can you believe that shit?). When I came to the doorway of the bathroom, I just about dropped my jaw at the sight of my brother's bare torso. His shirt was off, every inch of his upper body dripping with water droplets that traveled down his sinuous muscles before disappearing inside the waistband of his jeans. He turned around after lighting the candle he had in his hand, the flickering flames dancing across his beautiful green eyes and making them glow. I felt a strange surge of possessiveness flow through me as I watched the amulet I'd given him cling to his wet skin as if it belonged there, a feeling which intensified as Dean unconsciously rubbed his fingers over the bronze face staring back at me.

"I uh…hope you don't mind me getting myself a little wet. It's just so fuckin' hot in here, ya know?"

A rosy colored hue stained Dean's pale cheeks as he looked up at me through his long eyelashes, the whole bashful schoolboy thing he had going on making my cock stiffen painfully in my underwear.


Dean flashed me a sweet half-smile that rapidly quickened the beats of my sinful heart, drawing all of my attention to the full lips that I wanted to feel so badly on mine. His tongue came out to lick across the pink surface, the sight of it making me whimper softly. When his bottom lip went in between his teeth, I almost collapsed to the floor and came all over myself. It was like I had absolutely no control, every part of my body rebelling against my will. They were no longer following my orders. Instead, they seemed to be following Dean's.

"It's okay. Can you just…let me take my bath now. Still feel kinda gross, you know?"

Dean's smile evaporated as concern plagued his features. "You okay, Sammy?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'll see you when I get out, yeah?"

"Hmm…well, okay. I'll just get the bedroom ready, then."

Dean walked past me and shut the door on his way out, the sound of the click echoing through the walls of the tiny bathroom. I fell back against the door with a breathy exhale, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried my best to put a lid on all of the emotions flowing through my veins. I couldn't understand how this was happening to me. Dean was being all sweet and kind and here I was drooling all over myself whenever he so much as glanced in my direction. It was like a total role reversal…with me as the big bad wolf. I felt utterly ashamed of myself and vowed that by the time I left that bathtub, all the lustful thoughts of my brother that I had floating around in my brain would be promptly obliterated. Determination coursed through me as I stripped naked and fell into the warm water with a pleasurable sigh, optimism in plain sight now that Dean was nowhere within touching distance. It was going to be okay. I was going to be okay.

I stayed in the tub for a long time, smiling as a sense of peace washed over me. By the time the last of the warmth had disappeared from the water, every bit of tension in my body had been thoroughly annihilated. I finally felt at ease, my relaxed muscles putting me in one hell of a good mood. Opening the door, I froze in the hallway as the smell of something sweet flirted unashamedly with my deprived nose. Following the scent, I noticed that it came from our bedroom. Wrapping my fingers around the doorknob, I twisted it hesitantly until it caved beneath my fist, the door moving away from me as if I'd hurt it. When I took a look inside, my eyes widened in surprise as I noticed the room covered in candles, each one shining brightly along every surface of the incandescent bedroom. Rose petals littered the bed in irregular patterns, their appearance extending to the floor beneath my feet.

"Hello, baby."

My head whipped up at the sound of my brother's voice. He was standing in the middle of the room with chocolate syrup on his fingers, the oil covering his body making him glow in the light of the dancing flames. Lifting his hand to his mouth, he sucked the brown liquid from his skin, sighing as his eyes closed in satisfaction.

"D-Dean? Wh…what are you doing?"

Dean smirked, and just like that, all of my hard work within the safety of my bathroom went to shit. My soft prick stiffened visibly in my pajama pants, the uncomfortable tightness of it making me wince slightly. I cursed myself for my inability to stay calm, my eyes betraying me as they focused on my brother's nipples, lust rising through every fiber of my being. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling that I was screwed...royally screwed.

"What does it look like?" Dean took one step forward, and then another. Before I knew it, he was pressed up against my body, the smell of him driving me wild. Confusion clouded my brain as he took my face in both of his hands, looking deeply into my hazel eyes. The sweet innocence he once carried within the depths of his emerald irises was gone, the shyness from earlier replaced with the most intense desire I had ever seen. His pupils expanded as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear, the feel of his lips dragging against my skin making me moan.

"I'm going to fuck you, Sammy."


sam/dean, jealous!dean, wincest, bottom!sam, top!dean

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