ASAACAAT: Book I - Enkousokugetsu 26/31 (NC-17)

Aug 14, 2006 16:32

ASAACAAT: Book I - Enkousokugetsu 26/31


Yavin IV

The next evening

Mara awoke with a start. Luke was on the comlink saying he’d return home after securing the ship. Sick to her stomach, Mara barely made it to the refresher in time. After retching again she looked at her image in the full-length mirror. She looked horrible because her skin was sickly white and her eyes were bloodshot. An entire day of vomiting had drained her strength. She was barely able to digest liquid.

She was too weak to move by the time Luke made it to the room. She tried to talk, but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, he injected her with something and lay down, curving his body behind hers.

“I’m home, Mara. You’re safe.”


The Past

The door flew open.

The girls screamed and ran to hide in their secret places.

“Come out. I won’t hurt you,” he said softly.

The girls didn’t believe him.

“Come out now.” His voice was only slightly raised, but it was enough to instill terror in the girls. His grip on Mara’s thin shoulders tightened. At fourteen years old, her slender body had just begun to bloom but she was as tall as she would ever be. Over the past year, her bright red hair had grown thick and luxurious. She hated it, but he would not allow her to cut it.

“Please,” she begged. “It’s okay. Please.” There was no way to know what he would do if they did not cooperate.

One by one, the girls emerged. Like Mara, Delber and Bwembya, were also filling-out, becoming more and more beautiful each day. Hitomi was already fully developed and although they lived from hand to mouth, they looked healthier than Mara. The stress of her life kept her thinner than she should be.

“So, we finally we meet,” he said, his face partially hidden behind a dark hood.

The three girls huddled close together for protection. Mara could smell their fear. As the Emperor scrutinized them closer, they held each other tighter and shivered, never taking their eyes from his face.

“I’m Palpatine,” he said. The girls took a synchronized step backwards. “Who are you?”

Mara trembled. He already knew. He’d known for years. The day he’d discovered their existence, he’d almost ended Zena’s miserable life because his anger was so great. Her assignment was simple. She was to be Mara’s friend and companion. She was to make Mara happy. In the Emperor’s mind, their failure to bond was Zena’s fault. This in turn forced Mara to seek other friendships by escaping into the bowels of Coruscant. Now after all of these years, he’d decided to use the rest of them to his advantage. He’d already whored Hitomi with dozens of pedophiles over the years even he’d never allowed her to remain in the palace. As far as Mara knew, the two had never met.

“I will not ask the question again.” He was annoyed. Mara felt as though the fires of hell were burning beneath her skin.

“You told him!” Hitomi spat in rage.

Mara didn’t speak; she knew better. Everything proceeded as he willed it. If he wanted them to believe she betrayed them, then so be it.

“I am your Master.” This time Palpatine’s tone conveyed a real threat. “You are mine to do with as I please. You are my property, just as Mara Jade is my property.”

“I’m Rosario.” Delber stepped forward. Her back was straight and her head was tilted in defiance.

“That was easy,” he said. His eyes leisurely rolled over the faces of the other girls. They looked at one another and made a decision.

“My name is Rosario.” Bwembya followed Delber’s lead and stepped forward. Calm and relaxed, she didn’t appear to have a care in the universe.

Palpatine simulated a laugh. “What brave little girls you are, like my pet Mara Jade. I will enjoy taming and grooming you as well. One needs certain challenges to make life more interesting.”

Hitomi openly glared and refused to speak. Mara tried to plead with her eyes, wanting her to understand that Zena had betrayed them all. After awhile Hitomi spoke.

“I am called Rosario by some.” She did not step forward; Palpatine dug his fingers deeper into Mara’s shoulders. His humor never lasted very long.

“So be it... Rosario.” The anger in his voice sent shooting pains through Mara’s body. “I am your Master and that is how you will address me. From this day forward, you three will all be called Rosario. If I hear you addressed by any other name, you will regret the day you were born.” His grip on Mara’s shoulder eased.

“Of course this dear girl will always be Mara Jade.”

She couldn’t suppress a tremor of rage. The Sith seemed pleased by her reaction. Even so Mara envied Hitomi. Her friend’s hatred was open and honest. Although she knew Palpatine had the power of life and death over them, it was clear she’d never cower in his presence because her anger had a clear basis. He lived in a palace while Hitomi and the others lived in filth. He’d allowed adult men to molest her although they’d never been allowed to penetrate her. After each and every humiliation, the palace guards forcefully put her out. She wasn’t even given a meal. Mara understood that Hitomi welcomed death and would have taken that path sooner had it not been for the other two.

Palpatine pushed Mara to the side and advanced on Hitomi. She did not move. “You, I will enjoy one day. Enjoy in so many ways…that is the only reason you’ve remained pure.”

He turned away and examined the room. He seemed amused by the fact that Mara was taking very good care of her little friends. Their tiny home was filled with books and gifts he’d given Mara.

“Yes, I have chosen my Hand well.” He stepped behind Bwembya and Delber, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. The girls cringed. “You will all live in the Palace. I have great plans for you.”

Before they could protest, Palpatine’s red guards came in and grabbed the three girls. Each fought, kicked and screamed because they didn’t want to live in the Palaace. The Palace was a very bad place.

Mara breathed a sigh of relief. When the time was right, they’d all escape together.


Luke lay back on the pallet marveling at the new connection he had with Mara. Unlike the flashes he’d gotten recently, this memory played out like a live holonet drama. It was as though he was seeing through Mara’s eyes and her heart. The mind bond was gone but he no longer lamented the loss of that connection. Now he realized that bond might have distracted them from their true connection in the Force.

The emotional torture Mara endured was like a buzz in his mind that grew louder and louder. At the time he thought she was desperately trying to reestablish the mind bond. Then impossibly, her memories invaded his mind like they were his own. It was only at the end that he realized her body was spiked with fever. Desperate, he tried to lower it with icepacks and the Force.

Later, after the sun rose, she was resting more comfortably. Luke called for a medical droid and then left. He needed a breath of fresh air.


Lueven Resort

“Lando, you must do what you think is best.” Tendra wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and rested her head on his shoulder. It always made her smile when she thought about them being nearly the same height. Most men were intimidated by her height and her slight plumpness. Lando loved her for who she was.

He didn’t speak. There was a storm brewing outside the window. The sky was dark and the air was murky and humid. The atmosphere reeked with tension and uncertainty. At home alone Tendra would have been frightened. With Lando, she as at peace. She could weather any storm.

“If I do what’s best, you could be hurt. If I do this, there can’t be an us. I’ll risk my life for my friends but I’m not willing to risk yours.”

Tendra felt his pain. She slipped around him and searched his face. There were bags under his eyes because he hadn’t slept since Luke’s visit. Something about this entire mess was tugging at his soul.

“Listen to me, Calrissian. We’re a couple. We’re going to be married soon. That means where you go, I go. The consequences be damned. This is what it means to be in a full-time relationship. It means being here for each other all the time, regardless of the danger involved.”

“Tendra, this is about life and death. Mine, yours or both of us. I owe Luke although he’s never asked for payment.”

“He didn’t ask you to do anything, Lando. He wanted information and you gave it to him.”

“Tendra, you don’t know Luke. He’s got the biggest heart in the galaxy. He can find good in just about anyone.”

“I know that much.”

“Honey, he had faith in me when no one else did. He gave me a second chance after I betrayed one of my very best friends. He understood the decision I made that day. He’s even participated in some of my more foolish schemes. He didn’t care how it made him look. He did it out of friendship.”

“I don’t like what you’re implying.” Tendra’s anger rose. “You’ve paid your debts. You were in a terrible situation and you didn’t have a choice.

“I did wrong and I knew it was wrong.”

She didn’t want to hear any more about it. “Lando, you didn’t know Han and Leia were going to be hurt. You did what you thought was best. And the best thing was to try to save your business and the people who looked to you for protection. You didn’t even know who Luke was.”

“That doesn’t excuse what I did.”

“You redeemed yourself when you returned to Bespin to get Luke. Later you risked the wrath of a Hutt to save Han. Not long after that your risked your life to lead the attack on the second Death Star. They’ve forgiven you. Why can’t you forgive yourself?”


In his eyes, Tendra was like a dazzling bright light and he refused to play any part in dimming it. “I must do this alone. Please understand.”

She snorted, went to the closet and threw her clothes onto the bed and then into a small bag. Dejected, Lando sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the floor. He’d be alone again soon and he supposed he deserved it. He hadn’t exactly lived an exemplary life and he’d pay this price for his friend.

“We don’t have all day. We need to move now.”

Lando looked up in astonishment at the amazing woman before him. She’d packed his small bag, too. “What?”

She ignored him and called for the service droid and after that sent payment for the hanger. “We’re leaving, Lando. We have some killing beauties to find!”

“Tendra, you must listen to me. This is dangerous. Please don’t do this,” Lando begged. For once in his life he was trying to make an unselfish decision.

“Lando Calrissian, I am not as fragile as you might think. I can take care of myself.” Her tone was indignant. She stood by the door with a haughty look on her face. Not at strand of light brown hair was out of place. There were no visible signs of nervousness.


“Shut up.” She cut him off. “I have some ideas about our girls.” The service droid appeared and she told it to standby.

“You told Luke the girls always traveled in pairs, right?” He nodded in agreement. “They’re paranoid, aren’t they? Ahh...there are four of them. You said Bwembya wouldn’t hurt Mara. You’re sure of that and I’m inclined to believe you. And judging from our conversations Delber isn’t exactly a genius. She couldn’t do it alone, but Luke was sure there was only one.” She paused and looked away uncertainly.

“Please continue.”

“So that leaves Hitomi and Zena, either working alone, or one of them could be working with Delber. Based on what you’ve said, Hitomi and Zena probably wouldn’t work together.”

“No way. They both have too much competitive spirit.”

“So, all we need to do is account for their whereabouts when Luke encountered the mysterious woman on Yavin IV. If they’re always in pairs, then one of them had to slip away at some point. It would make sense that she would have an excuse to disappear on a regular basis. Of course, this could blow up in our faces, if all four went their separate ways for a while.”

“That’ll work as long as one hadn’t been traveling with Mara,” Lando added. “That makes a difference because when Mara became Master Trader, one would always travel with her if she needed an emergency co-pilot. Only one, seldom two or three.”

“Don’t tell me...they’re hot-shot pilots too. They’re perfect. Apparently, there isn’t anything they can’t do.”

“Yeah.” Life was restored in his voice. “That’s not important. We need to determine where they’ve been without arousing suspicion. The longer it takes, the more dangerous it’ll become.”

“With your charm and my brains, how can we fail?” She sounded very confident.

Lando hugged her tight. “We’ll be an unbeatable team.The immediate problem we face is finding out where they are now.”

“Will that be very difficult?”

“I haven’t seen any of them for over a year, but I have a few ideas.”


Anxious to return to Mara, Luke hurried along shuffling datapads. Many of the official documents required his thumbprint. It was mindless bureaucratic work, but it had to be done.

When Tionne appeared at the door, it didn’t bother him too much. It was her habit to scour his office whether he was there or not. Sometimes she came for discussion. He hoped it was the former. He was in no mood to socialize.

“Luke, I think Mara’s pregnant.”

Good ol’ Tia, she never kept anything inside for long. The time had come for them to have the discussion about Mara. The topic was one of great exasperation though. There wasn’t even a possibility that Mara was pregnant.

“I’m not having this conversation with you,” he said through gritted teeth. He was upset and he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t.

“I beg to differ.” There was no challenge in her voice, only a statement of fact.

“I’ll give Mara your regards.”

“Don’t you even care?” Tionne stood her ground at the door, hands behind her back. Her mother of pearl eyes bored into his. “She shouldn’t be teaching. She could get hurt.”

“I’m done with this conversation, Tia. Enough.” This could go on for days and he didn’t have the heart for it. He needed to scan the medical datapads and review some of Cilghal’s healing techniques. The time had come. He could feel it. Either he’d heal Mara soon or she’d never be able to bear a child.

“We’re friends, Luke. I’m only trying to help. Our friendship used to mean something.”

“Your friendship is very important to me, Tia, but you’re crossing the line. Please let it go.”

“No. I won’t. Whether you like it or not, whether I like it or not, you are the Jedi Master, and what you do, and the examples you set, reflects on all of us.” She spoke quickly and with precision.

“Sit down,” he said, indicating a chair nearby. He came around the desk and pulled up another one. “I’m a Jedi Master day in and day out. Everyday. I never do anything without thinking about how it will affect my family, friends, and students. You of all people know that.”

“In the past that was the way you operated and we all respected you for your dedication.”

“So you don’t respect me now?” He was getting angrier, his voice harsher. “I haven’t changed. You and the others are allowing your personal feelings to cloud your judgment about Mara. Can you see that?”

“We all respect and love you, Luke. We look up to you and you can’t do wrong in our eyes.”

“Then whose eyes are you worried about, Tia?”

“Luke, I like her. Mara’s a tough woman and I respect her, but she isn’t …”

“Stang, Tia, let it out it.”

“She doesn’t love you and without love your relationship is immoral.”

Luke balled his fist and let them hang by the sides of the chair while he struggled to keep his composure. “After today, we’ll never discuss this again. So you listen very very carefully.

Tionne visibly braced; ebbed at the corners of her eyes. She was afraid of losing their friendship.

“What I do with Mara is my business and mine alone. If Mara is pregnant, that’s her business and she has the right to choose whether or not to tell me. Furthermore, if she doesn’t love me, so be it. It has no bearing on you or this Academy.”

“We want you to be happy,” she cried, the tears flowing freely.

“This is making me unhappy, Tia.” He bounded to his feet and stalked out of the the office.

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enkousokugetsu, star wars, asaacaat

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