Jun 30, 2008 03:18
So, Gamestop. What a fucking weekend that was. Had me scheduled four days in a row (and yeah, for those of you with FULL-time jobs I'm sure you won't appreciate my bitching, but usually I get like, at most, two in a row) from Wednesday through Saturday, but oddly enough Saturday was the least busy of the four. Apparently everyone suddenly developed lives, what a remarkable thing. Saturday was one of those days I had, to be quite frank, the easiest job in the entire world; I basically stood behind the counter for five-and-a-half hours and talked hockey with Bart (who, despite his handicap of having a ridiculous name AND his additional handicap of being a Devils fan, is a pretty goddamn cool guy). I'm sure there were a customer or two in there somewhere and the tiniest bit of marketing, but other than that.
Having worked there for a while now I finally got that lovely privilege eventually given to all Gamestop employees called "checking out games". What that basically means is any used game in the store, for any system, can be taken out for free for four days at a time. Only catch is we have to have at least two copies of the game (or well technically the store manager can say "DON'T TAKE OUT THIS GAME~" even if we do have at least two copies of it, but I've yet to see that happen since I started working there so I'm guessing it's another one of those rules everyone ignores. gotta love those). So I promptly checked out the US version of beatmania moreso out of morbid curiosity than anything else (and due to the fact that we only had one copy of Gitaroo Man, meaning I'll have to buy that. fuck you texas, I'm pretty sure I lost my copy of it there). And well other than the US ranking being down I'm having quite a bit of fun getting back in touch with my beat-scratching skillz. Okay, actually I still suck but hey, I AAA'ed a couple of 4s and AA'ed a bunch of 5s so I could be worse. I'm sure I'll be passing 7s and 8s any day now. Uh-huh, rite.
But anyway, back on Gamestop for a sec, it seems I'm about to be getting PROMOTED~. Or at least so I'm told. More money is always a good thing whether or not I necessarily have any burning use for it, and hopefully my hours will go up on a more consistent basis as well. Like last week I had almost 20, this week I end up with 12. Week before last I had 9. So uh, yeah. Fucking weird man.
As far as weekends go this one didn't suck. JAPW on Saturday night was actually a bad-ass show, including seeing the dude in my avatar live for the first time in years (and the first time ever in EVIL BLACK TRUNKS~). Oh god it was so great, he's just as great (and umm hawt lolz) as ever. Christian Cage vs. Jimmy Rave was another really fun match, and then there's Kenny Omega....oh god, if you guys- and by guys I mean guys interested in the wrasslin' crap- haven't seen him yet, go out of your way to, he's the greatest thing ever. Comes out to a wacky techno song, uses sailor moon poses and a fucking hadouken attack, and just goes out of his way to be as gay and wacky as possible. It draws the fucking most amazing heat ever, where half the crowd (this would include Quinlan & I) are absolutely in love with him and the other half want to see him die as painfully as humanly possible. So yeah, he's great and he's their champion now. Then of all people Dan Maff returned at the end, teased going after Omega, then of course swerved and helped him lay everyone out instead. Probably the best non-ROH indy show I've been to in years, and was probably even better than ROH's Hammerstein show (not quite as good as the Philly PPV taping, though).
Then today hung out with Quinlan some more, played the gayness at Menlo and then watched Night of Champions which was also pretty goddamn great. Cena vs. Hunter effin' ruled and I got to spaz out and celebrate when HHH somehow managed to retain (of course Quinlan was cheering for Cena and of course I made sure to have the most overdramatic, long celebration as possible). Probably the best WWE PPV in a long, long time too.
Now back to having not much of anything to do, not this weekend at least, but oh well, I'm sure something will come up. Something always does.
And hey speaking of stuff to do, this is pretty much my schedule for the summer as it's shaping up right now. Mostly this is here for my own benefit because I keep forgetting when shit is (and uh I have to remember to ask off for all this shit), not necessarily to brag about what an exciting, richful life I live (lolz). But yeah. Right now it's shaping up like:
7/13: ITG2 sight-read tourney @ Menlo, then Enrique's "who's the thief?!" mystery gamestop dinner thing @ uhh champs i think (probably gonna have to go home and shower in-between)
7/20: Great American Bash @ Nassau Coliseum, which Quinlan & I somehow scored FLOOR SEATS~ to. fuck yaaaa. I seriously had no idea this PPV was two weeks from Sunday until I started doing this and looked it up, lololol. Guess that increases the chances of actually seeing CM Punk defend the Heavyweight Championship of the Planet Earth at this show. Though I guess there's still two more RAWs they could have him lose it on, in which case I will be sure to post another LJ entry bitching about it. And possibly do some cuttin'
8/2: ROH at Hammerstein with MCMG vs. Steenerico~
8/7-8/10: Otakon where I can attend the JAM Project concert and sneer at all the nerds around me getting excited because they're playing one of the fucking DBZ openings. Seriously now.
8/17: TNA "whatever stupid PPV name this is called" @ Sovereign Bank Arena. Right now I'm more psyched for this because apparently ICE-T IS PERFORMING~. Don't ask me why he's performing for a C-list shitty excuse for a national wrestling company (sorry Sean), but fuck yeahhhh.