Dec 15, 2007 12:15
1. Ain't nowhere I'd rather be than right here on this ship, out in the black.
2. Been going on well over a year since I had anything twixt my nethers that weren't run on batteries.
3. I'm getting a might tetchy 'bout #2
4. Strawberries are my favorite food.
5. I'm a genius mechanic.
6. I'm also a girl, who likes girl things. These two things ain't mutually exclusive no matter what some folks might think.
7. Ain't nothing I wouldn't do for my Captain, or any of the others on the crew.
8. Serenity's my girl. You insult her, I ain't gonna be so sweet about it.
9. I don't miss my "home" at all. Serenity's home. She and the folks on her are all I need. 'Cept maybe a certain doctor sharin' my bunk.
10. I don't like shootin' things much.