(no subject)

May 25, 2006 13:13

Kaylee had discovered that Warren made a very nice pillow, being as how her bunk was a bit too narrow and necessitated them sleeping curled up close together. Not that she were adverse to that anyway. He was warm, and the ship was more often than not a bit on the cold side. But sleeping with someone else after so long of not doing it was a bit disconcerting as well, and she found herself awake earlier than she might otherwise have been.

She smiled and stretched a little, content to watch him sleep, listening to his breathing. She weren't sure exactly when how or if this had become something more than scratching an itch, but having him here felt good. Right. The way he'd fit in so nicely so quick, and just having someone who looked at her and saw her were one of the nicest treats she'd had in a long time.

She was tempted to wake him up, but refrained, closing her eyes again to snuggle into him.
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