
Jan 14, 2005 11:21

I'm not exactly sure why I have to write one of these. I mean, not like anybody not on Serenity's gonna be readin' it, right? But just in case...Captain's said something about cortexes and the like an' how some people have been findin' his and Inara's journals. Even commentin'. Like, from the past. Which I think is shiny. I mean, think about all we could learn about what come before! Better'n what they teach in a history class, I mean. I weren't all that fond of history class, but I do like people. They aren't always as shiny as engines, and I don't understand them as well sometimes. But they are fascinatin'.

Anyway. I'm Kaylee. I'm the mechanic onboard a Firefly class starship named Serenity and me and her, we bonded right away. We're a cargo vessel and we haul all sorts of cargo all through the 'verse. Sometimes its legal. Sometimes it ain't. We haul people sometimes too. Sometimes they ain't exactly legal either. But Captain's real good about avoidin' the Alliance, and we do alright. My job's to keep Serenity flyin'. Most days that works, but sometimes she (and the Captain) can make it a might tough. But we manage, me and her. We understand each other and usually she lets me know before she goes and has a problem. Harder to do when people's shootin' at us though.

So. That's me, I guess. The important stuff, at least. The rest I guess I'll tell you as we go along. You know, if there's a "you" out there.
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