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Feb 15, 2005 02:46

What does the word "Love" mean to you?

There's a right pretty thing Shepherd Book said to me the other day. I was missin' Simon somethin' awful, and all upset about him not feelin' the same as I do 'bout things. Us things. Sex things. I was terrible impatient and wonderin' if Simon's ever gonna notice I ain't just the ship's mechanic and his sister's playmate. But I'm a woman, too.

An' Shepherd said, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

I thought it were real pretty, an' told him he outta have gotten married if he could come up with stuff like that. He told me it was from his Bible, which River says is all wrong an' full of contradicitons. But if that part was from it, I don't think it can be all wrong, can it? 'Cause that's a right pretty passage an' it talks about bein' patient and not getting all envious, like of Inara's pretty dresses, an' not getting angry at Simon when he says things that show he ain't thinking of me that way at all.

It's lookin' for truth and holdin' on and trusting that right will win out in the end.

It ain't just about the sex. But all the stuff that makes the sex special. An' I knew that, of course, but somehow when you ain't gotten sexed up in a while, you forget the good stuff. Shepherd reminded me of the good stuff, an' if I have to wait, I guess I can do that.

Because I think it's right likely I've moved from sweet on him towards lovin' him.

So I'll just be patient, an' trust that someday he'll notice.
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