Starting to have more dellusional dreams of meeting jun.. lols.. Heard/watched their new single/pv already.. totally loving ashita no kioku.. feeling abit emotional when i listen to it, but crazy moon is a nice high impact song, i actually think that whilst ashita is very sad and soft, crazy moon is very direct and well crazy! plus jun keeps whispering.. and i can picture the dance as well.. this is really a solid single ^-^""
Shukudai kun
Love it when he pins up his fringe.. he used to do it quite abit during one phase in mma and somehow he looks cool ^_^ There's just something about his face structure that carries lotsa hairstyles so well! And during the start of the show.. Jun usually is all close with leader and stuff, but this time he seemed to be staring at oh-chan's lips! maybe cos oh-chan was doing a lil pout... hahaha!! Oh-chan was so cute during this show, he was doing the food intro - really rare! And suggests that the guest mix in the egg... and when he didn't he put on this really funny face! Supposedly pissed face.. but it was so funny~ he broke into his usual smile very quickly :)! Then Aiba-chan became miracle boy by possessing unbelievable jaw strength, in so doing making the guest look really bad!! ^^"" When there's drawing, Sho and Oh-chan will always be on duty.. just to highlight the difference u know.. hahah! Aiba-land was really nice tho. and Sho kept making these really shocked expressions and slight panic! hilarious!!
Himitsu no arashi chan
Didn't watch the show at all, but made the point to watch the preview of the new HnA that starts NEXT WEEK!! Whheee!!! looks like a whole lot of fun and more of an Arashi-genre!! yay!!!
I'll just sum vsA as an eventful one! Oh-chan fumbling through giving directions on pin-ball runner and giving that "hiding face" reaction!! Then Aiba-chan doing a wonder catch but having to act out some doggie anime with Kazu as the dog??! Then Kazu goes for pipe-catch and suddenly starts scrunging his hair and saying he's got extra hard wax on, then hitting the back of his hand whilst testing his position.. cute!! Jun was so cautious on RCT, he's usually not like that.. but think its cos of the last big fail.. poor thing!
Couldnt resist doing one with jun alone cos he looked so good!
Yet to watch it with subs, but undoubtedly hating hiyashi/hayashi (i would say oguri shun's char is hayashi, but keep thinking hayashi = hayashi rice so it shouldnt be it). love hana-chan! whilst bito vows to protect hana-chan i think it's hana-chan who's actually protecting bito from the impossibly difficult situation he's placed in and helping to pull him through.. e.g. bito was totally MORITFIED when he faced hiyashi/hayashi and hana-chan is so cool in giving that dude a tight slap! Ep7 looks very very very sweet!! the romance starts next wk i reckon! And is it the end of the hayashi/hiyashi saga?? Then why was bito thrown in jail? no wonder jun starts junstyle (23/05/09) with so many "ehs?!" as he talked about smile ^___^""