@_@ my legs are soooooo gonna suffer tomorrow

Apr 27, 2009 18:38

Man, this weekend was like 'PARK EXCURSION' or something. @_@ Been to a total of three different parks over the weekend: Mount Faber park, Japanese Garden, and TWICE to Labrador Park.

Started on Friday, where I wanted to go Mt Faber and Labrador park to scout the locations, to see if they are suitable for the Shimizu siblings shoot. Was initially planning to go alone, but my classmate was interested as well, so we bravely ventured ON FOOT (and some taxi trips) to both parks.


Anyway, we went to Mt Faber first. Spent around 30 mins searching for the bus that will take us there, only to realise that IT ONLY OPERATE ON WEEKENDS. Brilliiiiiant. So we thought, hey, why not take the cable car? So we went to check the prices....AND IT WAS DAYLIGHT ROBBERY. @___@ Mai tian, one way trip from harbourfront centre to mt.faber costs FRIGGING 17 BUCKS. WTF WTF.

So we took a cab up.

There was a lot of wind up there, and quite a number of tourists as well. We wandered our way around, and eventually reached the Faber point, which is the tallest point of the whole park, and saw the view of the whole harbour from there.

Walking down was tiring business. We walked along the road and was constantly at the risk of getting knocked down by cars. XD;;

After lunch, we set off for Labrador park, which is really ulu. It's like....tucked in a small corner of the coastline. The park is small, but there's also the nature reserve, which contains the preserved structures of the old Labrador fort (which I visited today), which is kinda suitable for Hetalia shoot but that is if people are willing to walk up to that place in costume. ._.. Then there's the jetty, which is quite long actually, and you'll get a full blast of sunlight in your face when you get to the end point of it, but the view is great and there's strong sea breeze there too~ :)

The other park I went to was Japanese Garden, on Sunday, for the Nabari shoot. Man, Sunday was hectic. I spent the whole morning running around getting the swords from lexis and jiaer. Then rush back to my house to change. We dressed at home, so there was this hilarious moment where neesan covered her pink wig with a beanie, while I covered my blond one with my jacket hoodie to avoid being seen by our neighours. XD;;

I was quite worried during the morning cause it rained, and it looked like it was gonna rain when we were on our way to Japanese garden. Luckily, by the time we were ready to shoot, the rain stopped and the sun began to come out again.

Couldn't get CX cause he got other commitments, so I called Jac instead, who called Augustine along as well, so we had two photogs that worked together to shoot some of the photos (in which one of them hold the flash transmitter, while the other took the photo).

I'm quite happy with the photos~~ although Augustine said that he could have done better, while I'm not really happy with myself. =_= *pokes own face* Didn't have the feel on that day. ORZ.



Neesan and I had a bit of a hard time with the swordfighting scenes. XD;; We were quite stiff at first, so the photog was like 'just pretend that you guys are really fighting'. This pic was the first try we did. 8D;;

I'll post the actual shots when I get all the raws from Jac~ :D


Orz, my legs are so gonna die tomorrow. Even the muscles around my KNEES hurt. X___X
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