Apr 14, 2009 17:29

Finally managed to catch up to Silver Diamond's latest chapter, only to be cliffhanged by it. ORZ CHIGUSAAA T___T He's such a poor thing. I WANT TO SAYANG HIM. RAKAN, GO SAYANG HIM NOW. T___T aslkdkadkalsdjsad

Am still trying to read Koori no mamono...currently at volume 16, but it's damn wordy. ORZ And abit draggy. I still prefer Silver Diamond in that sense. and the fact that the monks aren't helping is...kinda part of the reason why I am reading it so slowly.

Watched Pandora Hearts and 07 ghost's epi 1. Am disappointed with the animation (especially for 07 seemed rather jerky, and the fight scenes are not as dynamic as those in the still panels of the manga. :/ ) Background for both anime are brilliant though. ._. I have a feeling the animators are better at stills. One pet peeve about 07 though: WHY DOES MIKAGE LOOK LIKE HE IS SMIRKING IN SOME OF THE SCENES?! =____=

And, LOL, Frau turned into kira kira bishonen in the anime. XDDD

Other than that, there's BASARAAAA~~ AHAHAH EPISODE 1: YUKI'S HEART GOT STOLEN BY MASAMUNE~~ *prances* OTP~~~ XD Haven't watch ep2 yet, but I heard that it's Nobu crack. 8D;;

Err, what else? *thinks* Still debating with myself if I should watch FMA or not. I lost the love for it a loooooooong time ago. D8 On the other hand, love for D.gray is back, thanks to the latest chapters. ALLEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~ slkdjkasdjlsadjasjdlkasdjk *o*

But yeah, am running out of things to read. D8 Finished Komattahoshi, catch up to Silver Diamond, struggling with Koori, and for the rest, I'm waiting for updates. ORZ Anyone has any manga to rec? ._.


Homework: Due on Next Friday- Image book, to contain my works and stuff.

Have already started planning what to do, but I haven't really solidify the plans. Aha. Am going to have three booklets, probably A6 size. One's for the Homebase project, one's for b&w images and one for colour images.

I'm still considering as to what I can put into them though. I feeeeel like putting in some photographs I took, but I'm rather hesistant about their quality. @_@ Not sure if they are good enough or not.

But yeah, gonna start sorting out the images tonight, and start on the Homebase booklet tomorrow, since I already have an idea as to how it'll look like.

Now to think about how to package them together..............


Peekture tiem~ 8D

Had this workshop during wed's studio class a few weeks ago~ It's quite fun and interesting, since I have never done manual printing before.

For this workshop, we did stencil printing. The stencils are made with grey cardboard then covered with white glue and left to dry. White glue lets the cardboard remain intact after coming into contact with the wet paint, thus the stencils will last longer.

The paint use is this....super sticky paste thing. It's placed on the glass table, and then rolled out into one thick strip. Then, we roll the rollers over the stencils.

There's a huge wheel roll press thingy that is used to press the stencils down onto the paper. The pressure applied on the stencils can be adjusted to get different kinds of intensity of the colour pressed onto the paper~

The end result:

Happened around two weeks ago~ It's a small exhibition to showcase our works for this semester: the wallpaper and the b&w booklet~

We shared the exhibition with the advertising people, and we got a small corner. XD;; So we were told to make open ended boxes covered with our wallpaper, and they'll serve as shelves for our booklets.

So it looks something like this:

And here's mine:

On the out side of this corner, we plastered our print making session works on to it:

Another wall was covered with a collage of some pages from our booklets:

Annnnnd, that's it~ XD;;

Finished these two for the past few weeks...more mouse work practise, as well as experimenting with this new style.

Did Arthur first...I think he took me around three days to finish (cause of all the procrastinating and so on.) Experimented with the lighting and the colours as well. I think there are around three to four layers that has nothing but gradients of colours and set to different kinds of layer modes and layer opacities.

Finished this last night. This time, I took lesser time. The colour style is different from Arthur's in a sense that I didn't use a solid colour base for the different components of this pic (like the skin, the hair, the suit, etc). Experimented with more colours again...

I like this style I am using right now though. My main problem now is the drawing itself. I'm spending too much time drawing using the mouse...=_= and I used ALOT of layers as well. Just the line work itself, Arthur's have around 11 to 12 layers, while Allen has around 7 to 8 layers. @_@

Kaiwen's bday present. LOL~~ I posted about it a few weeks back, and luckily I didn't put any spoilers in it cause she didn't open the case until her birthday.

It's actually a Super Junior CD+DVD, but I made a fake cover and backcover for it.

So it looks like this on the front:

And like this on the inside XDDD:

But yeah, her expression when she took it out of the box was priceless~ AHAHA~~

I'd included a small message on the backcover, which I think she didn't notice. So Kaiwen, if you're reading this, here's the message:

Ben10 is owned by Cartoon Network and so on.
This is by no means, real, and certainly not for sale.
Kaiwen, if you can read this, you've got really good eyes.
Then again, this is just me being really good and putting these words at a font size where you can kind of read it.
Hope you like the presents!

On a side note, I've set it to point 4 font size~ 8D And after printing it, I could still read it~


On the day of the Imagecomm exhbit itself, the lasalle bridge shocked the hell out of me when I went up to the library that day:

Apparently, it's an artist's reaction towards the lasalle building....... ._. Right. Still, it's quite interesting and colourful~ And probably very time consuming to install. @_@


Had percussion outing last week, in which Xiaopang went mad after dinner. I think it's due to her lack of sleep. LOL. She was singing random songs and became super willing to take photos, so we went to Esplanade, took a series of weird photos, then went home. I think the juniors are a little freaked out by her. XDD

We took this photo on our way back from Esplanade, and I thought that it looked like some bag advertisement. So I did this:


D8 long post is kinda long.
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