Progress in life

Oct 12, 2007 18:27

I've come a long way in the years, ever since I've started being aware of my body. There are some things about myself that I hate and others that I like.
I'm proud that I rarely, if ever, force myself to throw up.
I'm proud that I have taken up running and am aiming for 45 miles a week. (Currently the weather is against me though)
I'm proud that I have resisted my urges to take diet pills and have stuck to vitamins only.
I'm proud that my eating habits are more normal.

I'm sad that my weight has gone up to 138 lb (from 118 last year). Realistically, I know that some of the weight is water weight, because I was bulimic, and some of the weight is muscle mass. I have a suspicion that it's mostly muscle mass, not fat.
I'm sad that I'm still eating a lot, though my binging tendencies have gotten a lot better. This is probably because I am running 45 MILES a week.

So, overall, my body and mind set have improved a lot, despite what my family may say. They never did know what was going on. They just think that I was depressed and moody because of my irregular period. Also, I have some great news! I have just submitted my application to study at Sophia University, Tokyo for the spring quarter! Also, I'm trying to major in Japanese and Accounting. I have a feeling that I'll be working more and more now. That's a good thing though. While stress does make me want to binge and throw up, keeping myself busy and off of depressive thoughts is even better. I have not thrown up in a long time. I have done it maybe 3 times since school ended in June.

Anyways, my 19th birthday is coming up soon. I got another lobe piercing on September 2, and I'm trying to get more for my birthday. I currently have two in each lobe right now. I want a total of 3 lobe piercings in my right ear, and 2 lobe piercings and a cartilage in my left. My family has been a bit concerned with me recently since I had started wearing belt chains since I came back from vacation in Japan in August. My sister says I'm going goth. I don't really think so. I've started to wear eyeliner, but it's nothing to dramatic.

Anyways, I've already convinced Ma to let me get them. Dad's next. I got him to agree to the second lobe piercings in 25 minutes and a pair of tweezers. He agreed in 5 seconds after I brought out the tweezers. I was prepared with a kit of wax strips as back up.
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