May 11, 2009 03:42
Fragment 1
It was all about how this local tv station was having a contest that a group of friends of mine didn't agree with. the station was where the fire station is now currently, but in my dream, the part of 6th ave was WAY more developed and busy-ish/pretty. I guess something about a new building got them pretty angry. anyways, we walk about the gardens *yes, gardens. really pretty* around those (what I call) "Sea horse" apartments and decide to go to pt defience. we get to the chain link fence *which does not exist* and find that the entire forest is haunted. I find a V shaped branch and place it against my forehead *like I'd have horns*, and find that it sticks. I then find out that I am able to glide with it, as my hair catches the current and holds me aloft with it in. Inside the forest, we find a house, and people running from it. We go in to find that a couple ghosts are inside. I step outside for some air, but upon re-entry find out that it is people in masks. strange impossible-to-engineer masks that turn scary with the flip of a switch/push of a button. It's Mel Britt; my friend's father. I ask him where his mask is, *which he is wearing* and he laughs, saying that I'm the only one that gets away with that and not bringing up the aneurysm. I wake up.
dream fragment 2
I remember being chased around in a house/mansion. being chased by agents. I am captured and forced to do their bidding. they give me a cell phone and their ring tone is a duck quacking. Well, I go out to Seattle to make a dead-drop of a rather light package. I txt them and say that I did my deed and am on my way back. at some point, I tip off the gvt, and they raid the mansion, arresting and possibly killing all involved. I return to the neighborhood, not knowing this initially, but seeing the mansion from a distance with the doors kicked in and windows broken, I just nonchalantly mosey back home. at least until the ring tone activates. I guess that's how they were identified.
i wake up.