Somebody said to me that you could be in love with almost anyone

Jun 22, 2014 13:59

Graphic: Xiane; words: Emery Allen.

I saw this graphic with these words earlier today, and they rang so true that I had to write about them… but I hated the graphic they were on, so I made one that I thought was prettier. Because you know, that’s what artist types do, make things prettier.

I managed to break my own heart a little bit, just recently. It’s so easy for me to get caught up in the beauty of possibility, of experiences and recognition of like souls and watching art enfold all around me. So I recently started going on more adventures, finding more things to feed my soul and spark my creativity. And in doing that, I threw my heart-gates a little TOO open.  You guys, I let ALL the magic and beauty in, and I might have overloaded the system a bit.
… and yet, I crave more. I’m a dirty little experience addict. Give me something gorgeous or inspiring, I need a soul fix.

I crave those who are open, ready to share that openness. I get so excited when I meet one of my soul-kin, Those Who Feel Too Much, those who want all that life has to offer, even if sometimes it hurts with the intensity. You are my people. Let’s go experience EVERYTHING.

Mirrored from xiane dot org.
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