Stolen from
pssty, crossed-out text and all 8)
OTP Meme~♥
1. You can also give a short explanation on list 10 "one true pairings" that you adore.
2. put all of them in order (10-1, 1 is the ultimate otp).
3. supply photos for said people.
4. post a quote/lyric you associate with them fuck that shit.
This was kinda hard ngl )
BTW LOL I MIGHT DO THIS... IN A SERIOUS-ER WAY THAN I DID IT LAST TIME. XD Just need to come up with OMG TEN? pairings... *will need to think on it*
LOL XD Well you can always fall back on the old method?? XDDDDD After all, we have a sixth cast now, that would get you another one at least >_____> Ikeoka Ryousuke~ XD Do your best!! I had a hard time coming up with 10 pairs as well OTL
*clings* I still haven't read the fic yet... because school eats up my life. OTL So horrible.
Ohhhh, I understand, school just started this week and I already have so much to do! How does this happen? Summer, I miss you already! |D
Well my summer was pretty busy as well so I don't really feel much of a difference. That is really sad. OTL
Not as sad as if you felt less busy going back to school! That would be the worst ;~; Ah, so busybusybusy...
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