Twist Serve TCG - Old Logs and Scoresheets!

Aug 14, 2009 15:32

Pretty Scoresheets:

Old Logs:May-May

5/31: Fudoutfitx2 for item3hyoteix3/seigaku. Traded stranded16, bible15 for older03, suits16. Traded role08, catfish18 for silver01/18. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded data19 for 2ndyears14. SC: bluesmash02, ending17, item3higa. GtS: devil09, myglove16, gomenchai11, viking08, item02. FK: yun02, zansaber01, leangle08.

5/25: Traded shopping20, rigged05/18 for 2ndyears09/16, stalk09.

5/24: Synchro: seishun19, item3seigaku. OR: look-alike16.

5/23: Mastered gouya, muga, zhouzhu, chunlong, afternoon -> invincible12, hebaba/muga/beijing20, rainbow06, return09, zhouzhu17, yougotgame10, dreamlive4/artstudio14, chunlong/afternoon/music18, director01, retsuden06, item4rikkai/jyoseix2/higa/shiten. Traded abare12, kick03, christmas15, guanyue12, zhouyu03, longhair10/12/19, broken08/13/17 for silver16, presence11, loyal06, 4thcast17, suits10, answer01, xiaobo13, stalk18, older14/19, imperial14. Traded hitman19, otouto09 for scudserve12, katsu05. Traded three20 for detective16. Traded hide03 for older02.

5/19: Insight: ouji09, taka-san01. Item01x10, 3jyoseix3, 4rikkaix4 for motto14, karaoke06, depend11, adopted03, shodo08, j-mini16, celebrate17, fence13, mumble01, data16, paperairplane/stalk17, duounion04, stairs07, shodo18, slap01, dreamlive409. Turned in three scoresheets and got album17, single83/84, crucifix/zhouyu/detective09, endurance12, depend13, valentinekiss19, item3fudo/4jyosei/other. Halloween1/2x6 for muga01/02/03/04/08/17, 3/4x5 for afternoon08/10/11/12/14. Hyoteioutfitx2 for afternoon15/17. Higaoutfitx9 for gouya02/04/05/09/10/11/13/15/19. Item02x7 for zhouzhu05/07/08/16, chunlong02/12/16. Traded kindan01 for afternoon13. FK: afternoon16, kirin/fashion12. MV: ori16, steps12, item4other. SD: morning06, thirteen09, windy10, item01/3higa. SC: jump15, kansai07, item01.

5/18: Freebies: afternoon20.

5/17: Synchro: raccoon20, item4rikkai. PaS: loveletter12, pose14, running19. Traded gekiryuu09, beijing19, guoguang09 for dash05, synchro11, look-alike18. [Scoresheet Complete +1] GtS: awake10, left13, xiaopeng19, stairs07, item02. OR: older13/16/20.

5/16: DC: rai/final15, windy03. Switched valentinekiss19 for semero10. GC: xiaopeng18 for best12, makeyoufree18, item02; flyhigh07/makeyoufree18 for strings/kindan01, flippy20, buffet07, jyoseioutfit. OR: tannhauser08, joytotheworld07, soliloquy05; muga/look-alike15. Traded natural08 for synchro07. Traded rackets17 for 2ndyears17.

5/15: Traded flore07 for hyde10. Traded chengwu18 for answer17. Traded entire05, green13 for hyde07, cross17. Traded ponta07/14 for silver06, concrete13. GtS: silver13, valentinekiss19, adopted16, pingpong14; thief12, collapse15, seasons05, slowlife19; item02x2. Traded silver04/15/18 for first05, natural08, ohtake14. Traded voice04/06/10/12/15 for cross09, silver16, resolve/partner10, concrete18. Update: 2ndyears08, rackets17.

5/14: LC: event19, reliable10, item02. Update: afternoon09, stalk16, stage19, hide03, event08/18/20; aspire15, ohtake07, lotsmore09, shitenb06, suits09, golden03; best13, partner10, loveletter/entire05, whiteline09, semero15; flyhigh07, green13, cooperation14, unibrow20, bible15. Traded western03 for gouya06. Mastered timing, wisdom, sushi, bento and got afternoon01/03/04/16, ohtake/shopping/ready20, gekiryuu09, cactus17, slowlife04, linqi16, pingpong02, item01/3other/4fudomine/jyosei.

5/11: Traded amiable02 for afternoon05.

5/10: OR: Advance15, jimmies05, three01, smily06x6.

5/8: WaI: running15, nobody20. Freebies: director09, serves17, item4rikkai. Insight: thief08, mimic04, hamburger07, hairclips16. Catchphrase: healed19, three/platinum14. SC: wild/abare12, item4higa. FK: sister07, elite15, catfish18, item3higa. MV: revolution19, yakusoku14, item01. GtS: emerald02, flore07, price17, seaslug09, item02. LC: onmyway04, katsu02. Mastered cross ages ago and got pure08, help/sushi04, item3shiten. Outfitshiten/seigaku/hyoteix4, item02x10 for wisdom01/03/06/19, timing05/13/14/18, sushi10/11/16/18, bento01/02/08/09/10/11/15/17/18/20.

5/7: Traded ribbon19 for chunlong04. Traded tempo05 for afternoon19.

5/1: Switched bubblegum08 for hyde12.

4/30: Traded mystic16 for hyde13.

4/22: Synchro: jump06, item4seigaku. Traded fence08 for zhouzhu04.

4/20: Traded trickster01 for gouya07. TMC: xiaobo09, elite12, tako14, okinawa02, kyuushuu01, haitang11, item02/3seigaku/4hyotei/seiru/jyosei. DC: bell09, seattle12, fujouri05. CP: recovery02, mystic16, wild12. LLE: serves18 for request12, fashion10, afro09. Traded bell09, anneko17 for golden01, scarf04. MV: twominutes18, sister03, item4higa; jiping18, amiable02, item4yamabuki. FK: revolution07, emerald11, synchro10. GtS: anneko08, baton02, chengwu18, mikan09, item02. SC: shodo03, butler02, item4yamabuki. Traded clubroom13 for golden08. Traded west11 for hyde05. [Scoresheet Complete] Update: fence08, broken08, yougotgame04.

4/18: Switched raccoon02 for zhouzhu11. OR: technique01.

4/15: Traded gift13 for silver15. TAQC: dojo17, oranges/golden02, item3seigaku/4shiten. Freebies: freeloader13, kagayake16, item4rikkai. SC: three03, kindan17, item3seigaku. SD: tiebreak10, injury17, help09, music03, item02.

4/14: Insight: imperial11, sushi06. Traded anniversary03 for sushi09.

4/11: OR: quxing20, zansaber07; look-alike/voice10, xiaobo16, christmas15, makeyoufree12, quick06. GC: tenacity03 for dreambeliever20, quick16.

4/10: Traded yakusoku20 for sushi12. WaI: timing15, silver05.

4/5: OR: power13/14/15/18/19; concrete11, tenacity03, power20. Insight: anneko17, okiraku05. SptDi: tea12. WaI: vampire05, muda19. Traded vampire05 for sushi14. Traded dash05, makeyoufree04 for scarf20, zhouzhu12.

4/4: DC: drivingmyself11/20, nfu07. Catchphrase: scout06, zhouyu03, host07, beijing/raccoon19, manzai09; zansaber12, twins02, serves15, bandanna/secret19, fanta11. GtS: makeyoufree04, peach17, piano13, item3fudo/4jyosei. Traded scout05, thief06 for cross13, sushi03.

4/1: Traded mystic10 for boat06. Freebies: torso/role08, item3rokkaku. Traded leangle13 for onmyway11. Traded bronze10, perfect18 for bento07, concrete09. Synchro: seigakugame20. SD: piano07, stranded16, synchro08, item3higa/rikkai. Switched east05 for voice12.
3/28: ribbon19, guoguang09, flore06, cheers20, item02.

3/25: WaI: okiraku11, pingpong06. Traded kirin19, broken09 for silver04/15.

3/24: Traded deal07, dreamlive112, medley14, strongest19 for answer07/09/16/18. [Scoresheet Complete +3] Traded yakusoku06 for sushi20. Item4higa for shiten. PaS: gracious01, item4seigaku. Traded hebaba14 for gouya03. MV: anniversary/shavedice03, item3seigaku. GtS: collapse04, halloween14, hawaii12, quick13, item02.

3/19: WaI: rooftop/guoguang19. Traded guoguang19 for gouya08. Halloween10, seishun18, rigged18, volleyball13 for cross09/12. Traded gardening19 for synchro02. GtS: rainbow/music02, cavemen11, awake09, item02. MV: hebaba14, yakusoku20, item4seigaku. FK: leangle13, haitang05, broken17, item3shiten. Freebies: gift13, east05, item4fudo. DC: yakusoku06, voice08, return18.

3/16: Traded battery12, rio11 for gouya01/12.

3/15: OR: usu07. Traded golden07/18 for cross/afternoon06. PaS: halloween10, perfect18, battery/beijing12, future04, shioin09, thief06, item3/4shiten. GC: usu07 for prowess16, xiaopeng11, item4hyotei, prowess16 for hundred08, gardening19, item3seigaku. Traded hundred08 for piano09. Traded lasers19 for presence11. Traded kirin08 for dash03.

3/14: OR: minor05/06/15, scarf01/12. Traded megane05 for gouya14. Traded tension15 for speech14. Traded forfeit11 for answer02.

3/13: OR: power02/05/09. WaI: cross15, crafty05.

3/12: LLE: rigged05/18, bronze10, future09. Traded gardening16 for speech17. Switched zhenzhi05 for piano04. DC: axing17, garasu18, item3yamabuki/4seiru, item02. Traded garasu18 for look-alike19.

3/11: GtS: dreambeliever06, cosmos/hakase19, guanyue12, item02.

3/10: Traded west17, tweezers02 for scarf16, timing09. Mastered gontakure, spot, teatime, feint, seishun and got gold06, depend02, west11, style15, three20, deal07, brat08, left18, hundred16, smoke13, cross16-20, item3/4higa/rokkaku/rikkai. Traded style15 for cross08. Update: cross14, afternoon02, gouya/gardening16. Leveled up and got strongest19, flore04, boat12, raccoon02, dreamlive112, cross01, item4higa.

3/8: Traded white04 for scarf15.

3/7: Traded impromptu12 for cross05. OR: minor19, xiaobo01. PaS: tension15. Traded ah-un05 for feint20.

3/6: Traded golden10 for speech09. LLE: rebel20, treasure10 for west20, strings09, crafty12, broken13. Update: scout05, dashi12, thief11, minx02, bronze06, yun20. Traded minx02 for cross02. Traded thief11 for cross11. Traded band17, crafty12/15, final14, valentinekiss18 for cross10, boat01, contest01/06/15. [Scoresheet Complete] Turned in buckets of items and two scoresheets for gontakure14/15/20, spot02/05/06/14/18, teatime01/19/20, seishun04/05/14, feint05/07/17/18, album31/02, overwhelm10, kagayake13, mystic10, zansaber16, item3yamabuki/4rokkaku. Traded yun20, 4thcast07 for cross/afternoon07. Traded bronze06 for cross03. Traded charamate10 for cross04. KKS: seasons17, volleyball13.

3/5: Switched samurai20 for chunlong20. Traded jibu10 for scarf08.

3/4: Traded Silver for Garasu. [Scoresheet Complete 13] Traded spot03/19 for minor12, gouya20. Mastered garasu and got teatime16, kirin19, twins15, item3jyosei.

3/2: Traded shodo05/08 for silver06, scarf18.

3/1: brush10, bell19 for silver19. GC: leangle07 for bubblegum08, concrete17, item3hyotei, item02.

2/28: Update: detective16, catfish15, shodo05, forfeit/healed11; hyde20, gouya17, 4thcast07, okiraku13, comedy01; white02/04, price/leangle07, west17, golden18, silver03, otouto09; shopping02, rush06, heart11, crafty15, broken09. Traded 4thcast07, evolve10 for speech09, teatime15. OR: seishun12, answer04/15, minor08/11. GtS: collapse/rigged18, ponta14, rebel20, 4thcast07, rio06, cosmos15, shodo08, band17, wonderfuldays12, stage08, evolve02, item02x3. Traded catfish15 for hyde18. Mastered CDs02 and got halloween10, childofgod12, cafe01, silver17, id, item3hyotei. Traded evolve02 for gouya18.

2/27: Turned in two scoresheets and got single88, album05, taka-san05, redeyes07, ah-un05, white04, item3seiru/rikkai. Traded artstudio09 for hyde01. Manzai07, cavemen18 for teatime14. Traded axing16, catfish05 for speech02, bento19. GC: mecha10 for valentinekiss18, quxing16, item4higa.

2/26: Traded artstudio12 for piano06. Traded emperor17 for synchro07.

2/25: Traded joytotheworld02/18, kiss08 for pure14, boat13, concrete06. Traded braids12, fanclub12, gold03, gracious18, revolution01, higher06 for chunlong06, piano18, wisdom05/08/13/18. [Scoresheet Complete 2] Traded nobody12, charamate01 for sushi13, wisdom11. Freebies: golf04, samurai20, item4fudo. ABC: avenge11, crime10 for artstudio09, scout14, surprise07, valentinekiss17. MC: tweezers02, cavemen18, item4sei. Traded reliable07, valentinekiss14 for teatime10/11. Gave valentines to everyone! [Scoresheet Complete 1] Traded mumble14 for dash14. Traded nabs15, photograph05 for speech01, golden10. Switched gift14 for dash07. KKS: silver14, sunrise07. LC: item02x2, symbol/seishun18, megane05, emperor17, gay09, older01. OR: zhenzhi05, xiaopeng18, omettosamba02, catfish05, axing16, silver04. PaS: item4shiten. Traded presence12, wonderfuldays17 for golden07, hyde06.

2/11: Traded habu01, viking18 for bento16, muga09. GtS: teatime18, cake19, myglove01, manzai07, item02. ABC: zhenzhi05, dreambeliever07 for fanclub/artstudio12, final14, kiss08.

2/9: Bingo! photograph05, habu01, hitman19, trickster01, childofgod09, teatime02. MV: joytotheworld18, lasers10, item3seigaku. Insight: jibu10, revolution01.

2/8: OR: wisdom06/07/10/12/14/15/19. Traded avenge05/20, conference20, legs01 for sushi07, talent19, seishun02/03. Turned in 3 scoresheets for single49/61/33, presence/braids12, scarf06, tempo05, karaoke15, valentinekiss14, item3rikkai/4seiru/hyotei. Traded ouji05/16 for technique01, wisdom02. Traded overwhelm13, scout12 for sushi02, boat20.

2/4: Voting: charamate01, mamushi08. GC: mamushi08 for reliable07, joytotheworld02, item3fudo, item02. ABC: lucky18, treasure11 for clubroom13, xiaobo11, scarf09, ouji05.

2/2: Traded wonderfuldays09, ssas13 for evolution05, bento12. FK: scarf10, mother11, overwhelm13.

2/1: Traded lucathia18, pure17, south19 for seishun08/19, piano13. [Scoresheet Complete 1] Traded overwhelm11 for synchro19. Traded cactus05/20 for meng06, ouji16. GtS: cursed04, lasers19, childofgod08, kouhou10, look-alike06, nobody12, item02/04rikkai/fudo. Traded forward16 for answer19. Traded rai02 for teatime13.

1/31: OR: seishun01/07/10/13/14/16/20. Traded yakusoku11 for seishun18. Traded host08 for boat19. Traded prowess15 for answer20. GtS: higher06, kirin13, nosurrender15, redeyes18, item02.

1/30: Traded tweezers04 for onmyway05. OR: minor13, seishun09. Freebies: evolve10, concrete20, item3rikkai. Traded manzai04/09 for synchro11, piano05. Traded mecha15, injury17, freeloader12 for bento14, teatime17, speech05. DeckDonate: volleyball13, item3jyosei. Traded goal03 for concrete07.

1/24(LOLFAIL): Member Contribution: teatime05, zansaber/pure17, data19, item3higa/4shiten. Traded fuun06 for dash20. Jyosei outfitx3 for item3fudox3/seiru/hyoteix2. Traded sunrise16 for spot12. Traded emperor06 for speech10. Deck Donation: cactus20, item3fudo. GtS: legs01, talent06, longhair10, smoke16, item02. OR: answer10, impromptu12, invitation06. Traded emperor18 for teatime06. PaS: item3fudo/higa. Tenimyu: lucathia18, zhenzhi05, item02/4rikkai. Updates: kirin08, bento13, wisdom20, gontakure16, scout12, host08, teatime04, band20, loyal18, rock5417, overwhelm11, valentinekiss19, xiaobo17, stylish09, medley14, goal03, tannhauser13, yakusoku11. Avenge11, prowess09 for stylish10. Kamikakushi: gold03, yakiniku10.

1/10: Traded bell07 for teatime08. Traded sister02 for teatime12. Traded revolution11 for teatime09. OR: gontakure08/09, feint16/19, piano16, sushi19. IE: Rikkai outfit for emperor18. Traded paperairplane01 for concrete03.

1/9: Traded garasu18 for sushi17. Traded collapse16, injury06 for silver06, sushi15. Switched dirty16 for evolution16. Traded cake10, nfu14 for sushi05, evolution12. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded j-mini02 for dash05. Traded guanyue02 for bento04. DC: manzai07/9, dash19. Update: revolution11, slap05, talent05. Traded talent05 for teatime07. Traded slap05 for teatime03.

1/6: Update: impromptu19, evolution20, nfu14, freeloader01, autumnbreeze15, paperairplane01. PaS: rai02, mecha10, petenshi04. Traded technique11 for chunlong09. Traded combination19 for sushi06. Traded date02 for first19. Traded first19 for spot10.

1/4: Synchro: manzai04, item3hyotei. GtS: charamate/naniwa12, injury06, collapse16, item02. Seiyuu: sushi/emerald08, item4hyotei. Scramble: look-alike17, guanyue/ori02, item01/3rikkai/4hyotei. Who Am I: longma06, bell19. Traded karaoke15, emerald08 for loyal04, feint02. Traded ori02, yajin11 for feint12, spot20. Traded longma06 for gontakure03.

1/3: Traded illusion16, depend08 for bento06, feint04. OR: loyal12, feint06/08/09/13.

1/2: champions09, fanta07, hitman09, hunter02, kenken17, rivals06, secret04/16, smily12/14/20, younger12, adult17, alone11, crime13, family03, king12, longway03, retsuden10, treasure14 to Christmas event. [Scoresheet Complete+5] OR: feint01/10/11/14. Christmas: king07, endurance14/15, kick/western03, lucky/volleyball14, cactus10, avenge/shioin11, caveman/tea01, date/return02, prowess09, zansaber/okinawa05, fuun07, monks16, garasu18. Update: invitation11, muda11, first01. Traded egao08 for evolution15. Traded first01 for bento03. Traded muda11 for bento05.

1/1/10: Traded karaoke13 for spot11. Mastered: Data, natural: spot01, animated16, dash07/10, rio11, smily20, item3seigaku/4hyotei. Dash: hitman09, spot19, coolprinces04, item4rudolph. Coolprinces: memories07, tornado14, train13, item4rokkaku. Train: seishun11, power07, synchro15, item3seigaku. Synchro: emperor06, acrobatic20, imperial04, item3jyosei. Imperial: sushi01, injury17, timing20, item4rokkaku. Traded longma19 for piano03. Traded retsuden17 for onmyway13. Traded combination14 for silver14.

12/31: Traded adieu18, childofgod17/20 for dash18, concrete05, silver11. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded ssas01 for gontakure12. Traded emperor04 for seasons10. Higa outfit for Yamabuki. Traded energetic18 for answer12. Mastered fujouri, smile, presence and got dash01/02/04, king12, kansai08, j-mini02, nabs15, boat18, piano19, item3jyosei/yamabuki/4rokkaku. Traded garasu02, hyakuren03 for synchro08/16. Leveled up and got train03, forward16, depend08, yajin11, lucky20, item4rikkai. IE: seigakuoutfitx2 for data06/11, yamabukix5 for natural02/03/05/11/15, hyoteix6 for synchro03, coolprinces11/15, imperial18/19/20. Turned in five scoresheets and got single14/24/51/72/92, surfing06, combination14, avenge11, gracious18, longma19, retsuden17, symbol12, synchro19, egao08, freeloader12, item3jyosei/rudolphx2/4higa/rudolph.

12/30: Traded resolve17 for silver20. Synchro: megane12, treasure11, item3jyosei. Find Karupin: adieu18, fuun06, brush10. Data Collecting: higamyu15, hitman09, tornado07. Traded braids05, dashi09, otouto18 for loyal16/20, gontakure02. Insight: j-mini02, rio14. Traded rio14 for answer06. Traded j-mini02 for bell05. AC: presence04/19, dash08/09/13/19, smile14, train16, synchro06/18, smile16/17.

12/29: Traded presence10 for smile12. Traded childofgod06/16 for dash03/06. Freebies: piano12, dash20, item4fudo. Item3/4rokkaku for yamabuki. Pick a School: mecha/ah-un15, bigaku11. Find Karupin: mikan13, silver01, flore18. Scramble: sister02, nobody08, bell07, item02/3jyosei. Cosplay deck: samurai02, weiming10, item3higa. Catchphrase: watermelon15, legs03, illusion16. GtS: cactus06, kenken17, energetic18, retsuden10, item02. Find Karupin: ssas01, otouto18, cocktail15. Traded flore18, mikan13 for evolution19, boat09. Traded ah-un15, nobody08, legs03, cocktail15 for spot16, boat03/12, train19. MV: dreambeliever07, roses15, item4yamabuki. Insight: titles10, brush13. Traded weiming10 for evolution08. Item3higax3 for 3/4hyotei, 4yamabuki. Deck donation: braids05, champions09, moonsault04, adult17, item3higa, 4seigaku/yamabuki/shiten. StD: conference20, onmyway19.

12/26: Traded watermelon16 for spot09. Update: ori02, gardening17, seattle06, dash17, ah-un08, recharge19, mecha15, style16. Traded hebaba09, juewei07 for chunlong10, zhouzhou09. Traded ori02, adieu12, meng08 for dash16, timing03, spot17. Traded gardening17 for dash05. Traded recharge19, host07 for dash11, timing16. Traded mecha15, kenken18 for dash15, presence09. Traded joytotheworld05 for spot15. Item4rokkakux2 for 3/4 Hyotei. Traded bigaku05 for concrete18. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded style05, ah-un08 for dash12, concrete18. GtS: todai18, ssas18, emperor04, brush03, item02. Catchphrase: legs06, onmyway01, higamyu16. Traded legs06 for dash14. Find Karupin: onmyway/dashi09, acrobatic01. Traded higamyu16, acrobatic01 for contest02, gontakure18. MV: onmyway03, evolution09, item4jyosei. Freebies: gift18, todai16, item3rokkaku.

12/24: Traded musical15 for boat08. GtS: item01. AC: item01/2.

12/23: Traded guanyue20, reliable14 for loyal02/13. Traded fuun19 for presence20.

12/21: AC: data20, resolve17/synchro19. Traded labcoat05 for train08.

12/20: Traded dirty19 for gogomeganes16. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded gossip06, adopted17, crucifix12 for evolution13, synchro17, silver02. Traded egao20, xiaopeng17 for contest10, spot13. Traded conference09 for spot03. OR: voice04/14, look-alike08, minor01, silver02, train04.

12/19: Traded gossip19 for smile05. Update: boat15, bigaku05, bell04, symbol19/20, pure14. Traded boat15 for silver14. Traded gekiryuu10, lasers17, sunrise02, strongest02, and takoyaki01 for synchro10, spot03, loyal09/14/15. Got platinum10, treasure14, item3jyosei for contributing to Symbol. Traded yukata17, smoke20 for onmyway12, silver18. Traded gekokujou17 for synchro02. Viking06 to alphabet, got loyal11/watermelon16. Traded left06, titles09 for silver15, boat14. Traded left03 for silver07. AC: evolution03/dirty16, dirty19/boat15, xiaopeng17/juewei07, item3hyotei/4seigaku, item01, zhouzhu19/sunrise16.

12/18: Traded bigi11, moonsault16 for train20, spot08. Traded emerald14 for silver04. Item02 for mastering GroupCollect. Update: gekiryuu10, conference14, musical15, joytotheworld05, host07, style05, secret16, synchro09. Switched smily07 for spot07. Got conference09, left03 from WhoAmI.

12/16: Traded linying/musical09 for synchro02/11. Traded secret11, seiyuu09, short-term20, pole01 for spot19, silver05/09/10.

December 11, 2009: Traded hebaba14/17 for data08/15. [Scoresheet Complete+1] Won minor04, smoke20 from Who Am I. Made airport17, treasure14 part of the alphabet and got gossip/titles19, left06, omettosamba12. Switched look-alike01 for chunlong05.

December 9, 2009: Won loyal19, prowess05 from Pick a School. Won musical09, rai06, item4rikkai from Motion Vision. Won combination19, prowess09, silver02 from Find Karupin. Won tango02, christmas05, item4seigaku from Synchro. Got reliable14, pretender17 from Kamikakushi. Traded meng10 for loyal01.

December 8, 2009: Got torso17 from Advent Calendar. Traded torso17 for fujouri16. Traded illusion11 for timing04.

December 7, 2009: Won imperial10, joytotheworld03, item4higa from Seiyuu Guess. Traded linqi14 for gontakure17. Traded amiable19 for gontakure01. Got spot04, smoke12, loyal05, todai08, strongest02, smily14, presence07, muga16 from the update. Traded linying10, smoke12 for contest10, gontakure07. Traded lasers18 for fujouri02. Traded reliable08 for gontakure06. Won linying09, hebaba17, hyakuren14, item3seigaku, item02 from Scrambled Data. Donated perfect14/19 to Group Collect and got pole01, underestimate17, smash04, adieu12, item3hyotei/rokkaku.
December 6, 2009: Traded cafe04/11, feint07 for onmyway16, natural07, guanyue20. Got silver05/10, reliable08 from Old Rackets. Won mother13, hebaba09, gekokujou17, emerald14, item02 from Guess the Song.
December 5, 2009: Traded braids15 for natural08. Traded braids17 for smile19. Traded dashi15 for silver20. Got coolprinces06 from Advent Calendar.
December 4, 2009: Got fanta08/18/20 from Old Rackets. Traded katsu18 for muga06. Traded host06 for timing08. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded south02, tempo14, myglove12 for zhouzhu01, natural19, muga12. Traded lucky04 for gontakure12. Traded fanta08/18/20 for synchro05, gontakure05/19. Got underestimate08, alone11, egao20, gogomeganes17, seiyuu02/16, chunlong11, dojo10, feint03 from an update. Got amiable19, braids17 from Advent Calendar. Traded dojo10 for gontakure04.
December 3, 2009: Made gamecenter13, imperial12 part of the alphabet and got karaage07, takoyaki01/13, freedom08. Got host06, ecstasy01 from Advent Calendar.
December 2, 2009: Traded left02 for silver06. Won crucifix12, retsuden14, item4rikkai from Motion Vision. Traded retsuden14 for presence12. Traded demon12, golf07, petenshi06 for contest11, natural06, smile15.
December 1, 2009: Got hebaba14, gossip06, linqi14, adopted17 from Let's Learn English. Got coolprinces01 from Advent Calendar. Won hyakuren03, seiyuu09 from Who Am I. Won contest08, secret11, item4hyotei from Motion Vision. Got ecstasy17, zhouyu20, item3higa from Freebies. Won speech19, presence10, look-alike20, item3seigaku, item02 from Scrambled Data. Won left02, karaoke15, item3yamabuki. Traded guanyue01/17, habu06, viking13, power14, zhouyu20, item3/4x2rudolph for silver16, smile07, natural12/18, muga10, speech04, item3x2/4hyotei. Got event14, wonderfuldays03, presence05, petenshi06, kouhou17, kansai16, braids15, item02x2 from the layout contest!
November 26, 2009: Won golf07, avenge05 from Kamikakushi.
November 25, 2009: Traded resolve15 for imperial17. Got taka-san18, minor03 for voting in the layout contest. Traded legs09 for silver09. Turned in Hyoteioutfitx3, Rokkakuoutfitx3 for combination02/12, sexy13, cherry13/14/15. Turned in three scoresheets and got single57/67/96, style04, illusion11, kagayake08, guanyue17, crime10, longhair12, item3jyosei/higa/hyotei. Mastered combination and got technique11, guanyue01, sexy17, item3jyosei. Mastered sexy and got gamecenter13, linying10, cherry11, item4rokkaku. Mastered cherry and got imperial12, cafe04, fujouri03, item4shiten. Traded style04 for chunlong01.
November 24, 2009: Traded nobody17 for dreamlive413. Traded jump05/06/09 for natural20, presence11, synchro01.
November 22, 2009: Traded imperial11 for presence16. Won dreamlive409, sunrise02, presence08, secret04 from Seiyuu Guess. Won resolve15, lasers18, meng10, alone19 from Seiyuu Guess. Won chunlong17, mumble14, dashi15, zhouyu01, mamushi19, item4rokkaku... from Seiyuu Guess. Won speech15, ssas13, smily12, bandanna08 from Catchphrase. Traded bandanna08, mamushi19, longhair09 for train12, onmyway16/15. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded brush17 for synchro14. Traded zhouyu01 for presence18. Traded alone19 for fujouri12. Traded zhenzhi11 for data04.
November 21, 2009: Traded platinum02 for silver08. Traded braids04, nature12 for silver13/18. Traded sleepy20 for gontakure13. Won imperial/zhenzhi11, longhair09, item4jyosei from Catchphrase.
November 19, 2009: Traded duounion19, jan14 for muga19, natural09. Item3jyoseix2,4x1 for 4rokkakux2, 3yamabukix1. Made crime01 and ecstasy04 part of the alphabet!
November 18, 2009: Got natural10/16 from Old Rackets. Traded ready02, linqi17, sunrise01/02 for combination10/19, coolprinces05, imperial13. Traded hundred04 for combination09.
November 17, 2009: Traded coolprinces10 for combination04. Won braids04, gontakure10, viking06, item3rokkaku, item02 from Scrambled Data. Traded j-mini18 for cherry16. Traded guoguang07, master01 for coolprinces18, presence15.
November 16, 2009: Turned in item3/4jyousei for younger12. Got muga05, king08, item3hyotei from Freebies. Traded sleepy01 for combination05. Got hundred04, brush17, freedom19, guoguang07, ready02, treasure10, monks14 from the update.
November 15, 2009: Traded tiebreak08/15, legs18, item4yamabuki for combination14/16, wonderfuldays09, item3hyotei. Got cherry17, torso12 from Old Rackets. Traded IDs with Serenti. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded petenshi10 for timing12. Won jan14, reliable09, item3seigaku/yamabuki from Tenimyucation. Traded rebel15 for silver09. Traded reliable09, rai08, torso03/12 for silver15, timing07, speech06, school12.
November 13, 2009: Got torso03, tiebreak08, onmyway17, tornado08, sunrise01, linqi17, smily07, okurimono09, timing11 from an update. Got rai08, school11, speech18, speech03, lasers17, cavemen18, coolprinces10, duounion19, natural04, item01x2, item02 from another update. Switched cake16 for imperial16.
November 12, 2009: Traded silver04/06 for timing01, onmyway07. Got master01, katsu18, item3shiten for contributing to the seiyuu deck. Won fuun19, moonsault16, imperial14, item4rikkai from Seiyuu Corner. Won fas01, stage17, tiebreak15 from Catchphrase. Traded wonderfuldays04, ponta18 for silver09/12.
November 11, 2009: Won jump06, rebel15, yukata17, item4seigaku/seiru from Scrambled Data.
November 10, 2009: Traded okurimono02 for coolprinces12. Traded dream12 for presence03. Traded crime09 for sexy03. Got look-alike01, garasu02, item3shiten for contributing to the seiyuu deck. Leveled up and got muga18, petenshi10, look-alike01, legs09, sexy08, item3rokkaku. Won avenge20, dashi12 from Who Am I. Won chengwu04, onmyway19 from Spot the Difference. Won style06, legs18, onmyway20 from Find Karupin. EPIC 11 CARD TRADE: balloon03, endurance14, dashi12/19, guanyue04, otouto14, mother06/08/13, yukata15, rio09 for data01/02/03/05/09/10/12/13/14/16/19. Traded style06 for coolprinces09. Traded katsu08, chengwu04 for data07/18. Won nobody17, sleepy01, sunrise02, fudoshirt from Motion Vision.
November 8, 2009: Got cherry03/05/06/07/08 from Old Rackets. Traded linying12, samurai07 for silver13/18. Traded adieu20 for cherry01. Traded duounion12 for fujouri06. [Scoresheet Complete]
November 6, 2009: Traded kagayake12 for childofgod17. Traded haitang16, smash10 for silver07/08. Traded pillar03, serious07 for presence/synchro13. Traded combination17 for cherry02.
November 5, 2009: Traded j-mini14 for coolprinces02. Traded serious06 for cherry19.
November 3, 2009: Traded rebel06 for contest07. Won okurimono02, nature12 from Insight. Won timing17, meng08, dashi19 from Find Karupin.
November 2, 2009: Turned in Hyoteioutfitx3, Seiruoutfitx2, two scoresheets for usu13/17/19, nabs02/04, single91/65, yukata15, j-mini18, dreamlive411, cursed04, item3/4higa. Mastered nabs and got crime01, mother13, usu02, item3jyosei. Mastered usu and got guanyue04, perfect14, sexy16, item4fudomine. Traded role03 for combination13. Traded dojo07, style11, torso02, fudoshirt for timing02, presence05/11, hyoteishirt. Traded cursed04 for synchro04. Traded emerald15 for rebel06.
November 1, 2009: Got nabs05/07/18, cherry09/12 from Old Rackets. Traded onepoint03 for smile18. Traded cactus14 for timing10. Traded bandanna19, endurance02 for silver04/16. Traded serves14 for combination20. Traded cavemen05 for presence17. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded IDs with Ashkah. Traded seishun04 for train18. Traded duounion13, meng09 for combination17, imperial08. Got jump05, linying12, item4hyotei from Freebies. Got emerald15 from Synchro. Got hunter02, kenken18, lucky04, torso02, feint07, childofgod06, item3seigaku, item02 for winning the Relay Race. Won cherry18, style11, kindan08 from Data Collecting. Traded duounion16 for smile02. Won date02, role03, chunlong03, item3seigaku/4higa from Scrambled Data.

October 31, 2009: Traded higamyu06, crucifix20, data18 for smile13, wonderfuldays09, and synchro12. Traded pretender12, duounion08 for timing19, contest13. Traded IDs with Indigo. Gave a treat to Kitsunesama. Traded garasu13 for silver06. Traded guanyue04 for synchro19.
.October 29, 2009: INTENSELY switched family20 for combination07. Traded longway20 for silver07.
October 28, 2009: Traded guanyue14, juwan03 for presence02, wonderfuldays09. Gave treats to Mayumi, Izumi, Himilika, and Schaly. Traded kenken18, ssas14 for contest18, presence14. Got flippy18, karaoke13, snowman07, silver04 from Old Rackets. Won dojo07, voice06, item4jyousei from Find Karupin.
October 27, 2009: Got okurimono15, contest03, timing06, halloween17, platinum02, higamyu06 from the update. Turned in a gorgeous scoresheet and got single105, kagayake12, zhouzhu15, item4hyotei. Traded otouto06, okurimono15 for fujouri20, halloween18. [Scoresheet Complete]
October 25, 2009: Traded in cavemen05, usu05x5 for IDx2. Traded tempo11/19 for fujouri15, retsuden14. Traded christmas03 for silver08. Gave a treat to Indigo. Yamabuki outfit for item3hyotei,4jyosei.
October 24, 2009: Traded younger14 for hyakuren16.Got usu05x5 from Old Rackets.
October 23, 2009: Traded ssas06 for juwan03. Won cherry10, childofgod20, guanyue04, serious07, item4rikkai from Scrambled Data. Won serves14, pretender/duounion12, item4jyosei/yamabuki, item02 from another Scrambled Data. Won cafe11, haitang16, samurai07 from Find Karupin. Won j-mini/guanyue14, christmas03, presence01 from Insight. Won jump09, taka-san04, silver18 from another Find Karupin. Got otouto06, meng09 from another Insight.
October 22, 2009: Gave treats to Juu, Kaze, Serenti, Kaori, Featherwolf, and Vainilla. Traded gracious10, scenario06 for silver15, smile01. Traded naniwa04, chengwu02 for coolprinces07, fujouri17.
October 21, 2009: Traded gracious15, illusion19 for dirty13, fujouri18. Traded dirty13 for combination17.
October 20, 2009: Mastered capoeira and got bandanna19, habu06, reflection17, item4rokkaku. Mastered reflection and got pillar03, tempo19, synchro07, item4hyotei. Got muga07/11, cavemen05, chengwu02, cake10, illusion19, item4hyotei, item02 for finishing the relay race! Won taka-san10, older17, item4fudomine from Motion Vision. Traded naniwa05 for nabs14. Traded cactus12, nobody11 for technique01, imperial02. Gave treats to Guia, Flore, Saz, Disutansu, Keselyx, Lucathia, Anneko, Ori, Sabriel, Butterskotch [Scoresheet complete], Mari, Ashkah, and Aaya.
October 18, 2009: Traded role13, dreambeliever12 for synchro04, capoeira19. Traded gracious09 for smile09. Got minor07, rio09, item01 from Freebies.
October 17, 2009: Traded perfect14 for train07. Got sexy02, dreambeliever12 from the last update. Got nobody11, dirty05, crucifix20, capoeira08 from this week's update. Traded dirty05 for monks02. Traded adieu11 for zhouzhu13. Mastered CDs01 and got garasu13, gift14, muga14, reflection01, item3higa, IDasuka. Mastered atonement and got ssas14, cake16, reflection02, item4hyotei. Won gracious09, labcoat05, item4seigaku from Motion Vision.
October 16, 2009: Switched prowess05 for coolprinces16. Traded hakase04/20 for silver10, synchro20. Won role13, minor18, item3rokkaku/shitenhouji, item02 from Data Correcting.
October 15, 2009: Traded serves09 for nabs01.
October 11, 2009: Traded acrobatic07 for fujouri19. Got usu09/10/12/14/15/16 from Old Rackets. Traded devil19 for synchro02. Item3rikkai for 4hyotei. Won hakase06, longway03 from Who Am I. Traded hakase06 for silver11. Traded technique08 for avenge07. Won adieu20, endurance02 from Spot the Difference. Traded longma11 for fujouri08. Traded avenge07 for dance17. Traded legs03 for silver13. Traded balloon01 for kenken18.[Scoresheet Complete] Won ssas06, wonderfuldays17, presence10 from a long-ago round of Data Collecting. Turned in a scoresheet and got borp31, gracious15, dance19, item4hyotei. Traded in Fudoutfit for atonement11. Traded cafe11, fas09 for hakase04/20. Traded dance17 for fujouri10.
October 10, 2009: Traded gay11 for perfect19. Traded flippy16 for usu05. Item4rikkaix2/rokkaku for 3hyotei, 4higa, fujouri07. Traded guanyue07 for zhouzhu03. Got acrobatic09, zansaber10, synchro11 from the update. Traded acrobatic09, zansaber10 for combination03, smile10. Traded longhair13 for coolprinces14. Traded twins10 for acrobatic07.
October 4, 2009: Traded fuun12 for combination18. Traded hakase12, style04 for train02, technique01. Traded zhenzhi10 for train17. Turned in three scoresheets and got borp04/18/24, legs03, tea08, adieu11, technique08, lucky18, short-term20, item3shitenhouji/higa, Seiru pants. Got usu01/03/04/06/08/11/18 from Old Rackets. Traded amiable08 for fujouri01.
October 3, 2009: Traded speedstar02 for capoeira07. Traded IDs with Saz. Traded gay01 for wisdom17. Got dream12, item4rokkaku for donating Taki's deck.Got fujouri13/14 from Old Rackets. Got hakase12, amiable11, guanyue07, style04, technique01, tango12, amiable08 from the update. Traded amiable11 for combination15. Traded tango12 for nabs17. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded monks16 for coolprinces03. Traded spiral10, soliloquy12, illusion01 for coolprinces08/13, illusion01.
October 2, 2009: Traded master10 for imperial12. Traded animated13/18 for train01, zhouzhu14.
September 30, 2009: Traded puns09, depend16, dojo19, monks15, and volleyball07 for capoeira10, combination11, imperial09/11, zhouzhu20.
September 29, 2009: Traded champions16 for train14. Won balloon03, chunlong08 from Spot the Difference. Traded chunlong08 for capoeira06.
September 28, 2009: Traded raccoon03 for atonement01. Won train06, fujouri09, wonderfuldays16 from Find Karupin. Traded kagayake17 for combination01.
September 27, 2009: Traded mikan02 for reflection16. Got cafe11, dojo19, item3higa from Freebies. Got atonement07/10/13/14/15/19 from Old Rackets. Traded wisdom05, demon17 for train11, combination08. Traded oranges04 for atonement05. Won kouhou18, illusion01, longhair19, item3seiru from Seiyuu Corner. Traded legs01 for chunlong14. Won fuun12, longma11, jan10 from Seiyuu Corner again. Won smile20, serves18, ponta07 from Catchphrase. Won gay17, family03, smash07, item4hyotei from Odd One Out. Traded soliloquy14, jan10, kenken01, volleyball07 for nabs06/08/10/12. Traded train15 for roses11. Traded cheers09, dream06 for coolprinces20, nabs15. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded taka-san16 for atonement06. Traded gay17, younger16, duounion07 for atonement17, sakura19, nature11. Traded nature11 for sexy14. Traded technique06 for capoeira02. Traded dream11 for nabs03.
September 26, 2009: Won kagayake17, natural13, lucky20 from Data Collecting. Won ecstasy04, duounion07 from Spot the Difference. Traded gay02 for train15. Seigaku pantsx2 for Hyotei outfit. Traded IDs with Chinami. Won role10, coolprinces19, monks15, item4rudolph/fudomine. Won nabs09, wisdom04, zhenzhi10, item4higa, item3jyousei from Insight. Won technique06, nabs13 from Who Am I. Switched zhenzhi17 for zhouzhu10. Traded lucky20, role10 for train15, chunlong08. Went to the update and angsted got longhair13, combination06, sakura20, onepoint03, mikan02.
September 24, 2009: Traded reliable19 for train10. Yamabuki outfitx2 for Hyotei outfitx2. Traded avenge20 for atonement20. Traded diving05, 12 for atonement03/09. Rokkaku pantsx3 for item3hyotei/jyousei/rikkai.
September 21, 2009: Traded dreambeliever11 for reflection07. Traded gracious19 for chunlong13. Got atonement04/12 from Old Rackets. Mastered balance and got south02, younger16, avenge01, item3fudomine. Mastered kagayake and got usu07, speedstar02, avenge03, item4rikkai. Mastered habu and got minor09, smile08, avenge05, item4shitenhouji. Mastered east and got monks16, otouto/photograph14, item3rudolph. Mastered avenge and got demon12, cherry20, dance17, item4seigaku. Mastered dance and got strict13, dream/memories11, item4rudolph. Mastered photograph and got dance16, feint15, memories17, item3higa. Mastered memories and got endurance14, volleyball07, reflection08, item4fudomine. Traded dojo01 for zhouzhu06. Traded longma08 for zhouzhu02. Seigaku pants for Hyotei.
September 20, 2009: Traded role09 for chunlong19. Got east13/15/16/17/18/19/20 from Old Rackets. Traded in hamburger18, natural01, viking13 for ID. Leveled up and got soliloquy14, scenario06, seishun04, zhenzhi17, avenge15, item4yamabuki. Traded longway15, garasu01 for chunlong15, memories16. Won naniwa05, avenge20 from Who Am I. Won oranges04, depend16, reliable19 from Find Karupin. Traded mother14 for memories12. Won puns09, volleyball07 from Pick A School. Got wisdom05, wonderfuldays05, item3yamabuki from Freebies. Got prowess05, fudomineshirt for donating LEGS. Won fanta07, nabs20, and perfect14 from Find Karupin again. Traded in hyoteioutfitx2 for dance02/05, seigakuoutfit for photograph12. Traded christmas18 for fujouri05 [Scoresheet complete]
September 19, 2009: Mastered smily and got adieu18, raccoon02, legs01, item01. Mastered gift and got gracious10, devil19, legs03, item4rokkaku. Mastered legs and got younger04, rhythm10, avenge07, item4rudolph. Got charamate10, dreambeliever11, taka-san16, zhouzhu18, christmas18 from two weeks ago's update. Traded champions06 for legs01. Got roses10, duounion16 for referring Aaya. Got east14, dance12, gay02, bandanna20, and smash10 from last week's update. Got east01/02/03/05/07/08/09/10/11/12 from Old Rackets. Got diving05, meng02, chunlong07, role09, train05 from the update. Traded meng02 for photograph16. Got viking13, natural01, rikkaipants for contributing to torso deck lol. Traded adieu18 for train09. Won airport17, kenken01, ponta11, atonement02, item3shitenhouji from Scrambled Data.
September 18, 2009: Traded in higaoutifitx5 for balance02/06/13, higa11/15. Traded in yamabukioutifitx4 for kagayake05/08/13/16. Traded in item02x13 for legs04/06/08/10/11/12/14-20. Switched spiral03 for sexy15.
September 16, 2009: Traded gekokujou07 for imperial06.
September 15. 2009: Turned in 3 scoresheets and got dreamlive403, myglove12, return04, usu20, coolprinces13, twins10, bosp03, borp13/31, item3higa/rudolph, item4seigaku.
September 14, 2009: Traded golf03 for imperial03. Traded avenge11 for legs02. Traded stage18 for kagayake14. Traded gekokujou03 for reflection14. Traded rivals18 for legs09. Traded airport17, gracious07, reflection04, wonderfuldays10 for item02x4. Traded lucky19 for dance10. Traded imperial07 for legs07. Traded look-alike10 for legs05.
September 13, 2009: Got legs13 from the update. Traded avenge08 for fujouri11. Traded fuun16, jump08 for imperial03/07.
September 8, 2009: Won kagayake10, muga13, airport17 from Find Karupin. Traded airport06 for kagayake07. [Scoresheet Complete] Fudopantsx2, shirt for yamabukishirtx2, higashirt.
September 7, 2009: Traded avenge04 for sexy19. Traded bigi15 for reflection09. Traded speedstar15 for capoeira17. Got capoeira12, sexy06/20, imperial01 from Old Rackets.
September 5, 2009: Traded gekokujou16 for sexy09. Traded sexy16 for dance19. Got sleepy20, presence06 from Pick a School. Traded raccoon14 for capoeira03. Won mother08, raccoon03, and western09 from Data Collecting. Traded muga10 for sexy11. Traded dream18 for reflection13.
September 4, 2009: Won samurai18, jump08, rivals18, and higapants from Catchphrase. Won reflection/naniwa04, item3yamabuki from Seiyuu Guess. Won cheers09, power14, dream18, item3seigaku from another Seiyuu Guess ^-^;; Switched strict12 for memories01. Traded samurai18 for capoeira14. Won garasu01, tweezers07 from Spot the Difference.
September 3, 2009: Traded answer04 for gift08. Traded karaoke11 for technique01. Traded coolprinces03 for photograph05. Won dance15, fuun16, stage18 and item3rudolph from Seiyuu Guess. Won airport06, longway15, and wonderfuldays10 from Catchphrase. Won raccoon14, longma08, avenge04 from Find Karupin.
August 31, 2009: Got habu03, photograph01/03/07/09/10/13/20 from Old Rackets.
August 30, 2009: Traded zhengnan02 for rikkai pants. Traded bowling14 for gift07. Traded ssas06 for habu13. Traded IDs with Guia. Traded dearprince02 for photograph19. Traded sleepy02, animated08 for capoeira05, reflection12. Item3/4rikkai for karaoke11. Item3/4shitenhouji for higa.
August 29, 2009: Hitman02, platinum14, longway20 for IDx3. Traded hawaii10 for photograph04.[Scoresheet Complete] Got gay01/11, item4jyousei for contributing to role deck. Got gekokujou16, answer04, coolprinces17, and soliloquy14 for donating usu15/18 to Group Collect. Got zhengnan02, ssas06, golf03, technique01 x2, tempo11, viking13 from the update. Traded IDs with disutansu. Traded mumble19 for reflection06. Traded master10 for habu09. Traded soliloquy14 for technique01.
August 27, 2009: Traded older06, younger02 for kagayake18, imperial05.
August 25, 2009: Won reflection11, mirror04, crime09, avenge11, balance04, smile11, seiru shirt from Find Karupin. Traded mirror04, reflection11 for dance01, photgraph02. Won capoeira11, coolprinces03 from Spot the Difference. Traded christmas04 for kagayake02.
August 24, 2009: Got gift01/05/06, habu06, capoeira18, photograph08/11/17, usu15/18 from Old Rackets. Traded monks17/19 and stage12 for habu04/17 and sexy05.
August 22, 2009: Traded otouto03 for sexy01. Traded baton17 for habu20. Traded kansai06, coolprinces01 for capoeira13/15.
August 21, 2009: Seigaku pants for Higa shirt. Traded rio07 for sexy16. Traded hunter09 for sexy18.
August 19, 2009: Traded reliable13 for sexy12. Traded cherry01/17 for reflection11, habu19. Won rio07, otouto03, item3jyosei/4yamabuki from Who Am I. Won champions06, dream06, gracious19, hunter09, master10, mother12, serves09, sexy07, shioin07, smile03, soliloquy06, younger02 from Seiyuu Guess. Traded soliloquy06 for avenge11.
August 17, 2009: Traded dearprince01 for smily14. Got smily05/13, habu08/10/16/18 from Old Rackets.
August 16, 2009: Traded megane02 for avenge18. Rikkai uniformx2 for Yamabuki uniformx2. Won gekokujou03, cactus14 from Insight. Traded roses06 for memories10. Traded dream13 for habu07. Won bigi15, dearprince01, reliable13, item4rokkaku/seiru.
August 15, 2009: Got tempo14, rio06, and presence11 from the update. SeiRu shirt for Higa. Traded soliloquy17 for memories02. Traded stage06 for habu12. Traded karaoke09 for dance13. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded rio06 for sexy10. Won atonement08/18, bowling14, east04, gekokujou07, gift20, gracious07, imperial15, prowess15, shioin14, south19, speedstar15, and item01 from Catchphrase.
August 14, 2009: Traded petenshi02 for smily03. Traded samurai11 for capoeira16. Mastered tarundoru and got sleepy02, dream13, minor05, item4higa. Mastered minor and got tea04, nabs16, kenken20, item4yamabuki. Mastered kindan and got katsu11, habu02, kenken04, item4seigaku. Mastered kenken and got balloon01, duounion08, reflection10, item3rikkai. Traded airport20 for balance07. Traded katsu11 for memories09. Won monks19, habu14, item02 from Data Collecting. SeiRu pants for Higa pants. Shitenhouji shirt for Hyotei. Traded roses13 for habu01.
August 13, 2009: Traded depend12/19, labcoat19 for capoeira01/04/09. Turned in a scoresheet and got bosp07, gracious13, east13, item3hyotei. Traded in item3/4rokkaku x2 for kindan06/08. Traded in SeiRupants x2 for nabs/tea11.
August 12, 2009: Traded L-doru05 for tarundoru12. Won duounion13, longway20 from Pick A School. Traded spiral11 for tarundoru18. Won depend19, silver02 from Who Am I. Won animated08, megane02, item3jyousei, item4yamabuki from Tenimyucation. Traded roses07 for smily10. Leveled up and got katsu08, kenken10, lucky19, viking18, item3jyousei.
August 10, 2009: Got smily17/18/19 and gift16 from Old Rackets. Got imperial14, karaoke09, labcoat19 from the update. Traded glorious05 for smily09.
August 9, 2009: Got smily02/04/06/07/12/20 from Old Rackets. Traded hunter04 for gift09. Traded soliloquy02 for avenge19. Traded pretender17 for kenken06. Traded L-doru01 for smily11. Switched yakiniku12 for reflection15. Won spiral11, gay03, baton17, item4higa/seigaku from Scrambled Data. Won data17, gracious20 from Who Am I. Won longway20 and sexy04 from Spot The Difference. Item01 from a mistake in Scrambled Data. Won dojo01, roses13, avenge08 from Find Karupin. Got silver05, cactus12, shitenshirt, item02 for donating smile07. Traded perfect15 for glorious05. Traded gracious20 for smily16.
August 8, 2009: Traded cheers03 for tarundoru13. Won stage12, petenshi02, item02 from Data Collecting.
August 3, 2009: Traded cake19 and speedstar12 for dance16, dreamlive406. Traded balloon04, bowling17 for avenge13, dance09. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded gamecenter13 for kenken02. Traded hunter05 for balance19.
August 1, 2009: Traded shioin15 for kenken17. Got gamecenter13, balloon04, dreamlive407, pretender17, item3/4jyousei from the update. Got smile04, cavemen05, item4jyosei from Freebies.
July 31, 2009: Traded sexy14 for minor15. Traded gracious01, serious05 for kenken09/14. Won volleyball01/09 from Data Collecting. Traded volleyball01/09 for kindan04/20. Rokkaku shirt for Rikkai pants. Traded naniwa10 for kindan01.
July 30, 2009: Traded glorious12 for reflection20. Traded jump14 for avenge17. Won depend12/15 and hunter05 from Catchphrase. Traded depend15 for avenge04. Got kenken03/15 from Old Rackets. Traded energetic18 for kagayake19. Won cheers03, older06, item01 from Scrambled Data. Won bowling17, cherry04, stage06 from Seiyuu Guess. Traded family17 for tarundoru05. Won look-alike10, spiral03, fas09 from Who Am I. Won L-doru01/05 from Spot the Difference. Won smile07 and roses06 from Insight. Won mother14, shioin15, item4fudomine/rokkaku from Tenimyucation.
July 28, 2009: Traded sister10 for minor14. Traded animated16 for minor11. Traded gekokujou20 for dance03. Traded minor11 for energetic18. Won soliloquy17, capoeira20, item4shitenhouji/hyotei from Who Am I, two weeks ago... -_-
July 27, 2009: Traded serves11 for minor18. Won cake19, serious05, SeiRu pants from Scrambled Data. Got glorious12, gracious01, kenken08, memories15 from Old Rackets. Turned in two scoresheets for borp15/33, childofgod16, data18, samurai11, photograph18, item3shitenhouji/rikkai. Traded in item01x3 for kansai06, dearprince02, speedstar12.
July 26, 2009: Won avenge02, gekokujou20, seishun17 from Catchphrase. Traded limit12 for avenge20. Got avenge06, illusion15, reflection18, glorious10, and brat19 from the update. Traded glorious10 for avenge14. Traded illusion15 for avenge09. Won lucky07, cherry01, photograph15 from Seiyuu Guess. Traded coolprinces08 for tarundoru19. Traded brat19 for kenken13. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded cactus06 and lucky07 for avenge10, reflection19. Won lucky06, roses07, natural17 from Find Karupin. Traded lucky06 for reflection05.
July 25, 2009: Traded cheers18 for minor16. Won older05, younger02 from Data Collecting. Traded airport11 for kenken05. Traded glorious06/16 for avenge08, reflection04. Traded older05, younger02 for avenge12, gift19. Traded shitenhoujipantsx2 for Hyotei, Rokkaku pants. Traded gift04 for avenge16. Traded prowess04 for reflection03. Got younger14 and fudominepants for donating a KEVIN deck.
July 23, 2009: Won kagayake04 and natural14 from Pick a School. Traded smile11 for kindan11. Swapped cactus06 for balance16. Traded cocktail15 for treasure14. Won sexy14, seishun06, platinum14, bigi11, item02 from Guess The Song. Traded balance16 for memories13.
July 22, 2009: Won look-alike04/18 from Who Am I. Won gift04, look-alike15, smile06, item02, item4rikkai, item3rokkaku from Tenimyucation. Won airport11 and strict12 from Find Karupin. Traded answer11 for cocktail15. Won monks17, memories07, animated16 from Odd One Out. Got memories05/06/19/20 from Old Rackets. Won limit12 and glorious08 from Spot the Difference. Traded look-alike04/15/18 for memories04/08/14. Traded glorious07/08 for kenken18, kagayake03. Got cherry17, spiral10 for donating gay09. Traded bigi03, rainbow10 for memories03/18.
July 21, 2009: Traded platinum17 and gamecenter12 for balance01/16. Traded childofgod10 for kagayake12. Traded strict19 for animated18. [Scoresheet Complete]
July 20, 2009: Traded crime16 for tarundoru01. Got ponta18, answer11, soliloquy02 from Freebies. Got emerald03, gay09 for donating sleepy08. Traded glorious04 for gift17. Traded cursed11 for gift04. Traded depend18, dojo10/13 for item02, item4rokkaku, item3hyotei.
July 19, 2009: Traded shioin15 for kagayake17. Traded reliable10 for bigi03. Traded king07 for kagayake20. Traded fuun18 for kagayake09.
July 18, 2009: Traded emerald03 for kenken11. Got reliable10, cursed11, wonderfuldays09, kagayake11, look-alike10, and strict19 from the update. Traded demon18 and glorious20 for kenken19, tarundoru07. Traded look-alike10 for kagayake06. Traded habu19 for kagayake01.
July 17, 2009: Traded south04/14 for glorious06, kenken01. Traded energetic10 for kenken16. Traded cheers12 for silver12, mastered silver!!! Turned in a scoresheet and got borp11, perfect15, airport20, and SeiRu pants. Got shioin15, naniwa10, minor10, and item3fudomine for mastering silver. Traded champions10 for kenken07. Got coolprinces01/08 and item3rokkaku from Data Collecting.
July 16, 2009: Traded fuun04 for glorious20. Traded cafe/kansai18 for dance11, energetic10. Won monks07, depend18, item01 from Scrambled Data. Won childofgod10, habu05, hamburger18, hitman02, king07, item02 x2 from Guess the Song. Traded monks07 for dance06. Traded pool13 for kenken12. [Scoresheet Complete].
July 15, 2009: Traded answer09 for dance08. Traded gekokujou14 and glorious09 for minor07/12. Traded cake03 for south04.
July 14, 2009: Got demon17, glorious09, smily15, silver09, and item3rokkaku from leveling up! Traded power03 for dance20. Won champions10, jump14, item4shiten, and item02 from Tenimyucation. Won gekokujou14, hunter04, family20, and item01 from Catchphrase. Won answer09 and sleepy08 from Insight.
July 13, 2009: Traded smily17 for balance12. Got dojo13, glorious04, cake03, and item01 from Seiyuu Guess. Traded tarundoru04 for dance18.
July 12, 2009: Won fuun04, cheers18, and Higa pants from Scrambled Data. Won pool13, glorious07, and glorious16 from Spot the Difference. Won crime13 and south14 from Data Collecting. Traded dream07 for tarundoru03. Traded pool02 and serious06 for platinum17 and gamecenter12. Got cafe18, prowess04, silver16, and item4yamabuki for mastering resolve. Got crime16, demon18, and kansai18 from Freebies. Won rainbow10, tarundoru04, and smile11 from Odd One Out. Won dojo10, muga10, smily01, and rivals06 from Find Karupin. Got dojo20, power03, airport10, habu19, smily17, and south09 from the update. Traded airport10, dojo20, south09 for dance04 and tarundoru14/17. Got sister10 and serious06 for donating the most epic card of all time to the Techniques deck.
July 9, 2009: Traded sister16 for silver05.
July 8, 2009: Traded item4yamabuki, duounion17, and depend17 for tarundoru04/15/16. Traded hitman17 for kindan13. Traded demon19 for tarundoru09. Traded master08 for dream07.
July 7, 2009: Traded fas10 for resolve02. [Scoresheet Complete] Won item3rudolph, item4seigaku, duounion17, and cheers12 from Tenimyucation. Won fuun18, master10, emerald03, serious06, item02 from Guess the Song. Won champions16 and soliloquy12 from Insight. Traded in items for resolve03/16, sister16 and a scoresheet for borp07, dance07/14, item4rudolph.
July 6, 2009: Traded scenario07 for balance03. Traded limit11 for fas10. Traded spiral05 for gift12. Traded Seigaku shirt for silver19. Won kindan05, 17 from Pick A School. Traded kindan05 for childofgod07. Traded childofgod07 for depend17.
July 5, 2009: Traded champions11 for resolve15. Won item01, item02, scenario07, and limit11 from Data Collecting. Won spiral05, demon19, and item3seigaku from Scrambled Data.
July 4, 2009: Traded pillar11 for depend14.
July 2, 2009: Traded fuun20 and cheers05 for gift02/18. Traded Seigaku pantsx2 for resolve17 and gift10. Traded devil15 for minor01. Traded strict20 for balance15. Traded childofgod09 and cake20 for minor13/20.
July 1, 2009: Traded fujouri08 for resolve09. Turned in a scoresheet and got bosp5, master08, smily08, and item4shitenhouji. Traded katsu18 for gift15. Got strict20 and tarundoru11 from Who Am I. Got pillar11, champions15, and serves11 from Catchphrase. Traded pillar08 for samurai13. Traded samurai13 for limit11. Traded limit11 for silver04. Traded champions15 for devil15.
June 30, 2009: Got rainbow11, fujouri08, and item4rudolph from Tenimyucation. Traded rainbow11 for kindan18.
June 29, 2009: Traded samurai14 for minor09. Traded resolve04 for cake20. Traded pillar12 for minor11. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded naniwa11 and brat02 for minor19 and tarundoru06. Traded tarundoru17 for resolve05.
June 28, 2009: Got demon06 and pool02 for referring Keselyx. Traded demon06 for minor08. Traded glorious16 for minor04. Got cactus06, western17, and pillar08 from Freebies. Took minor03, 17, depend11, naniwa11, and brat02 from the update. Traded depend11 for minor06. Traded tarundoru12 for minor02. Traded western17 for kindan19. Traded platinum20 for resolve04. Got champions11, mother06, samurai14 from Find Karupin. Got mumble19, myglove10, and item4hyotei from Data Collecting.
June 26, 2009: Traded viking04 for balance04. Won pillar12 and muga04 from Spot the Difference. Traded hunter11 for gift13. Traded demon20 for balance11. Traded muga04 for gift14.
June 25, 2009: Got kindan03, 07, 12 from Old Rackets. Traded fas12 for balance05. Traded energetic02 for balance08.
June 24, 2009: Won prowess06, cactus06, and item3higa from Who Am I. Traded prowess06 for balance10.
June 23, 2009: Switched muga14 for glorious16. Traded another muga14 for gift03. Traded bigi11 for resolve08.
June 22, 2009: Traded crime18 for resolve01. Traded family06 for balance17. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded okinawa20 for resolve13. Traded prowess08 for balance18. Won mumble01 from Synchro. Won bigi16, hunter11, and kindan15 from Catchphrase. Traded smily13 for date11. Won childofgod09, family17, and volleyball17 from Seiyuu Guess. Turned in a scoresheet and got borp32, balance 20, animated13, and item3hyotei. Traded volleyball17 for resolve19. Traded bigi16 for resolve04. Traded mumble01 for bigi11.
June 21, 2009: Got crime18, dream03, and balance14 from the update. Won sexy16 and cheers05 from Find Karupin. Turned in a scoresheet and got borp29, katsu17, muga14, and item3rokkaku. Traded sexy16 for scudserve11 and mastered scudserve!!! Traded master06 for balance09. Got silver01, demon20, yakiniku12 and item4hyotei for mastering scudserve. Traded dream03, katsu17, and scenario11 for resolve07, silver06, and tarundoru02. Traded habu03 for silver17.
June 20, 2009: Traded date13 for kindan14. Traded seishun14 for resolve10. Traded treasure08 for resolve20. Traded megane05, muga08, and onepoint02 for scudserve05, 12, and 17. Got hitman17 and fuun20 for contributing to the Look Alike deck.
June 19, 2009: Traded scenario18 for scudserve14. Traded duounion08 for scudserve13. Received scenario11 and megane05 from Freebies. Won kindan05, speedstar15, and item3yamabuki from Scrambled Data. Won pressure04 and seishun14 from Insight. Won photograph02 and prowess08 from Who Am I. Traded photograph02 and speedstar15 for scudserve03 and silver02. Traded shioin14 and smile17 for scudserve04 and silver20. Traded western19 for tarundoru12. Traded prowess14 for scudserve09. Leveled up and got atonement16, fas12, energetic02, scudserve18, and item4seigaku. Traded pressure04 for scudserve15. FROM A LONG TIME AGO: Won scudserve20, western19, and platinum20 from Odd One Out. Won item3rikkai, katsu18, and muga14 from Seiyuu Guess. Won item4seigaku, family06, and muga08 from Catchphrase. Won onepoint02 and treasure08 from Data Collecting.
June 14, 2009: Got gekokujou17, spiral02, and emerald17 from the update. Traded gekokujou17 for resolve18. Traded spiral02 for prowess14. [Scoresheet Complete] Traded emerald17 for photograph06. Traded animated15 for kindan02.
June 13, 2009: Got smile17, duounion08, shioin14, animated15, scenario18, master06, and date13 from the update. Got natural01 and okinawa20 for recommending Chinami. Traded champions07 for tarundoru20. Traded champions04 for resolve12. Traded glorious01 for tarundoru17.
June 5, 2009: Traded tarundoru09 with raikka_lilly for scudserve02. Won habu03 and viking04 from Data Collecting. Won champions04 and glorious01 from Scrambled Data.
June 3, 2009: Traded petenshi02 and sleepy09 with Ori for kindan09 and resolve11. Traded ecstasy07 withanneko_mc for scenario14. Got smily13 from Old Rackets. Traded scenario14 with Flore for resolve14. Switched music03 for return13.

June 2, 2009: Traded scenario15 with >preuben for scenario12. Traded king13 with drkparadise for silver07. Traded scenario12 with histoirede for scudserve10. Won sleepy09 and petenshi02 from Spot the Difference. Won champions07 and ecstasy07 from Insight.

June 1, 2009: Traded adieu03, atonement02, and platinum04 with _sabriel for scudserve01, silver11, and silver13. Traded item01 with perimones for silver15. Traded habu08 with starprincessl for king13.

May 31, 2009: Traded answer12 with hibimaosuki for silver14. Received item01, adieu03, and atonement02 from Catchphrase 10. Received Hyoutei item03, silver08, and lucky13 from Seiyuu Guess 10. Traded lucky13 with serenti for tarundoru08. Traded silver14 with reinspire for platinum04.

May 30, 2009: Received answer12, fuun03, mamushi11, and scenario15 from the update. Received habu08 and music03 from Old Rackets. Traded mamushi11 with disutansu for tarundoru10. Traded fuun03 with reinspire for scudserve08.

May 29, 2009: Joined! Received silver03, 10, 14, 18, scudserve07 and 16, and kindan10 and 16 as part of the starter pack. Received capoeira10, jump13, treasure13, and tarundoru09 from the update. Traded capoeira10 and treasure13 with disutansu for scudserve06 and 19. Traded jump13 with perimones for resolve06.

tcg, tennis!

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