Oh Summer Nights...

Aug 21, 2008 15:58

How I will miss you dearly. I feel the warmth slipping away. Cold is approaching and part of me wants it to, but the other half is simply enjoying the last few days that remain of summer. I never thought I'd say that I enjoyed summer, but I actually enjoyed summer this year. Although I spent most of it at school and work I feel like I got a lot accomplished. I only got B's in my summer classes, but that's pretty good considering I had 10 credits I took. I also made a bit of money which I need for the school year. That's not the only reason I can say I enjoyed summer. Although my romance ended up to be just a summer romance I've met a lot of great people. The new people I've met are really great and I'm grateful to continue to have such good people surround me for every bad person who enters my life.

Summer you will be missed.

I am super excited for fall still though because it's my favorite season. Halloween will be coming up and I'm crazy crazy crazy in love with fall. I really want to do a Joker costume. I don't want to do the suit though. I'm thinking a sexy purple and green vest, and some sort of pant. I'm going to dye my hair green and do the facemask. I'll be the sexiest version of the joker ever.

Also, again I can not stress how excited I am for school, because I will finally have a schedule to my life. I get so bored, aggiatated, and lazy when I don't have school. I just forget that I should be a productive person I guess. I really appreciate school in that sense. I also appreciate and value the knowledge I obtain. Yes I'm a nerd, so sue me. At least someday I'll be making the big bucks... At least I hope, because I'd like to buy a few little pretty things and have a stable life. I also think working out regularly will make me be more happy with my body. I really want more than anything to actually be happy with the way I look for once. I don't think I'm pretty, yet everyone I know tells me how gorgeous I am. I don't think I can be gorgeous until I have a perfect body, but I guess the only way to obtain what I want is to work really hard at it. I do try now, just not hard enough.

This tote is amazing!

I think the hardest part of life is being completely satisfied with who you are. That's the biggest struggle, figuring out what you want in your life. It's hard to get what you want completely, but you do the best you can do. I've tried my hardest to do what I want. I'm still going strong with my morality and still want to wait until marriage or at least until I find someone who really I fall crazy in love with. I'm going for my education even though it's going to cost me a shitload, but I know that it will be worth it in the end. I'm helping with charities and help people who struggle with things, and I love doing it. I'm working out, a vegetarian, into nutrition because your body and your mind need to be in tune with one another. I do everything I've wanted and I continue to do things I enjoy. Life is too short to pretend your something your not. I'm sick of the pretenders and fake people in the world. Your life is only going to be worth it all if you do what you want regardless of what that may be. Don't conform and feel as though you have to be a certain way to be accepted. If others don't accept you for being yourself then they aren't worthy of even knowing you.


Alexis Zoe
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