[FANACC] 100618 Thanksgiving Live Final in Tokyo Dome

Jun 21, 2010 21:43

 [FANACC] 100618 Thanksgiving Live Final in Tokyo Dome

The day finally arrived. Waited for this moment for so long. The number of people waiting outside Dome was really overwhelming, hours before the concert even started. Not to mention, the washroom queue at Tokyo Dome Hotel was so long that we queued for an hour before our turn.

We arrived at Tokyo Dome station 4 hours before the start of the concert because Linh and Bella wanted to go to the amusement park right next to Dome. My main role was to help them look after their belongings and help them to take photos, because I can't take rides that involve heights!! So they decided to take the gravity drop (or tower drop?!!) and the roller coaster! Just the look of the rides itself scared the hell out of me.

When we were queuing up for the roller coaster, just a little before their turn, I stepped out of the line to wait for them at ground floor. There was a group of guys who were all dressed up in hip-hop style, who came rushing into the queue with their reserved tickets. And they made way for me to pass, so I bowed to them and said thanks.

I waited for about 5 mins before my two darlings came down from their rides and they were screaming away and pointing upwards. LOLX! It was really hilarious!! Then when I heard them clearly, they said "TOHO-DANCERS!!!!" Yes, you read it right, Toho-dancers were there to take the rides too and the group of guys who made way for me to pass earlier was them!!!!! Why did I even bow and look down at the ground, if not I should have recognized them right away! ;_;

Anyway, we waited for them to come down and we wanted to take a picture with them! So Bella and I went forward to ask Sonny-san! But he said they can’t do that. Well it’s understandable. He spoke in perfect English too; oh my JunSu should totally learn English from Sonny-san!! LOLX!

In the end, we managed to snap a clear backview of all the Toho-dancers before we left.

The gate at Tokyo Dome opened at 4pm, but we went in at only 5:45pm because of the queue for the washroom. The moment I stepped my foot into the seating area, I was completely besotted with the scene; the huge venue and of course the number of people.

Linh and I found our seats and settled down. I must say our seats are not that bad, not as good as arena seats but good enough to see the boys. The huge screens right above the stage began showing some precautions for everyone to take note. Everyone was talking and people were rushing in as though the concert was going to start soon.

As we were taking our lightsticks out (ok yes, Linh and I both had 5 light sticks each), I overheard some Bigeast fans who were pointing at our backs and smiling away. So I turned around, and they spoke to me in Japanese, so I replied, “Ehh?” XD Thank god Linh was there, she started talking to them. We then found out that they were interested in our cute lightsticks, and also our T-shirts. Linh and I was wearing our official OneTVXQ T-shirts. I must say I’m really proud of that because they found it nice. ^^ It’s always great to find out that many others knows about O!.

As soon as the screens showed the‘JYJ Logo’, everyone started cheering. Then, right after the lights dimmed, the best ocean - the famous Red Ocean appeared right in front of my eyes. I will never forget it. It was so pretty and powerful.

Their individual confession clips then started playing on the huge screens. Though I can’t understand Japanese, I knew exactly what they were saying as I had translated the messages before. Seeing it and hearing it right before my very eyes and ears was really painful. Their wishes to continue singing on stage, together with their truthful thoughts on the current situation. At that point of time, I only had one thought; that I want to and will continue supporting them no matter what.

Three spotlights shone at the corners of Tokyo Dome and JaeJoong, JunSu and YooChun stepped out on their individual mini stages by the side. Slowly, they made their way to the centre stage. It was beautiful. Then the music came on, it was the first song ‘いつだって君に’. Their harmonious voices filled out the whole Dome, it was so beautiful and it seemed to reach deep right into me. I started to tear so badly and uncontrollably. I guess that’s the live effect they had on everyone. Then the emotions that I have kept within for so long exploded. Tears for the almost-perfect harmony and for the almost-complete stage.

Then it was introduction time, YooChun was first followed by JunSu and lastly, JaeJoong. It was the usual type of self-introduction, also asking is-everyone-ok kind of talk.

Su left the stage and Shelter was next. I love this song, everyone was waving their red light sticks in a lively manner; the whole atmosphere was just so wonderful. Everyone was singing along with them and waving the red light sticks in sync with the song. Once the song was over, the whole stage fell into darkness leaving only the red ocean. Then it was JunSu's turn, ‘Beautiful Love’; the theme song for Chun’s drama. They played the teaser on the huge screen. It was such a lovely song by Su. His vocals are undoubtedly the best in Asia and of course I tried to take a fancam for this song but I almost got caught doing it; crazy things I did that almost got me chased out.

Right after Su ended the song, it’s JunSu-sama talk time! I loved how he was so cheerful and was laughing away as he spoke. Suddenly Chun’s voice rung out amongst the audience, somewhere out there, then it was gone. I tried to look for him and also for a spotlight, but no luck. Then JunSu-sama spoke again, talking about Chun’s drama teaser that was shown on the screen. This time round, Chun really appeared at the side of stage and he even pretended to walk the opposite direction away from the stage, making the audience at the arena area scream in joy. ^^ You know how playful our Chun is right.

Then YooSu went on with their ‘Chun’s Drama’ conversation and Su made Chun repeat a line that was in his drama, which was the confession line “I Like You”. Chun promptly made a face. However in the end, Chun conceded and said the line, everyone started screaming and cheering. It is expected right? Such a Casanova!! XD

Ok, then it was the best part. How could JaeJoong be missing out on all this right? Haha.

JaeJoong suddenly appeared at the centre stage where he repeated a line from Chun’s drama, if I’m guessing it right, with his sexy voice. ^^ Then he called out to YooSu, “Come on you two!!” Then the YooSu walked towards Jae slowly. Jae spoke again, “You two come running, because I love you both!” My eyes were filled with tears; my heart was feeling so warm. I can never forget that scene, where YooSu went running towards Jae. I miss the boys.

Then there was a long conversation about Chun’s drama and about Jae’s drama too. I’m not too sure what exactly happened but I’m sure that Chun asked Jae about Dr. and Haru. Then Jae said, “Dr. like Haru, but JaeJoong like JunSu!” and went over to JunSu to give him a big hug!! Ok that’s truly a JAESU MOMENT!!!! Everyone was screaming away, so was I, because I’m a JaeSu shipper!! XD Totally made my day, my week and even my life. LOLX ^^

Then the conversation continued, where they each talked about their drama. When it was JunSu’s turn, JunSu pointed to the screens and said, “Next let’s have Mozart!!” Lolx everyone laughed, because there wasn’t any streaming of Mozart planned for the live. How cute can this dolphin get? ^^ (If I remember correctly, I have this fancam too, look out for O! videos kayz~)

After the conversation ended, JunSu sang another one of his new solo ballad, its ‘悲しみのゆくえ’. Everyone was quiet and listening attentively. I felt like as though I was surrounded by his voice, which was really indescribable, now that I think about it; I really miss it and wish to hear it again.

Next was Jae’s Korean piece, ‘너를 위해서’. Ok I missed their Korean songs so much and when I heard that Jae was going to sing a Korean piece, I was overwhelmed. How I wished they spoke in Korean too, I might just tear again.

The following two songs were ‘Tokyo Lovelight’ and ‘Been So Long’ featuring a special guest, Lisa!! These two lively songs made everyone cheer and also, wave our towels with them. ^^

Next, it was ‘Rainy Blue’, the song that the 5ive of them sang end of last year. I believe everyone can remember that. My heart sank the moment the music came on. The 3hree of them performed it perfectly I must say, but still it felt like there was something lacking somewhere, like something was missing. The stage looked so empty suddenly, how I wish the two would appear somewhere, to complete this stage. T__T What a rollercoaster ride this concert was!!

After ‘君がいるだけで’, it was ‘I Have Nothing’. Though this was sung by all three of them, to me it was more like a JaeSu song, it was performed so beautifully that I kept repeating ‘PERFECT!! PERFECT!!’. I have always wanted a JaeSu duet. Imagine listening to the best vocals of Asia, it would undoubtedly be the best. Their voices blended so perfectly and smoothly. I regretted not taking fancam of it, but can’t blame myself because I was so into it that I totally forgot about taking it. XD

Ok, Chun’s ‘My Girlfriend’, I don’t even want to write about it!! The Casanova of TVXQ!! Breaking millions of females’ hearts with this special ‘event’! Every move he made, every step he took and every little thing he did with the girl. The hug, the holding of hands, the kneeling down. All I heard was fangirls screaming their lungs out, well that included me; I have to join in the fun for sure. Haha!!

The two following songs were Jae’s ‘Maze’ and Su’s ‘Xiahtic’. Powerful songs!!! Everyone enjoyed it throughout the whole performances. Their vocals are really flexible, like how they can bring out the best in ballads and also, in fast and powerful songs. This is the amazing part about TVXQ right? ^^

It’s the Soulmates time again, ‘Colours~Melody and Harmony~’. I have been waiting for this song, because I really love this song. I love how it was written for the fans, for everyone to sing along. Towards the end, everyone in Dome sang along with JaeChun, ‘la la la… la la la…’. This went on and on a few times, without background music, just purely the voices of JaeChun, Cassiopeia and Bigeast. I want that moment to last!!

Then at the very last phrase of ‘Colours~Melody and Harmony~’, JaeChun was facing each side and sang ‘Like a melody and harmony in love~~~’, it was way too cute!!!! Hahaha yes just at the very last one, the 4th one, dolphin appeared!!! He has to right?!! Haha.

Then they tried to harmonious the last part ‘Like a melody and harmony in love~~’ together as one, but at the first try Su messed it up and received a scolding from Jae!! Haha, everyone laughed at that! Then Su asked for a second chance and they did it again. Better than the first, but still JaeChun wasn’t happy with Su. The usual tricks they love to play on Su ahhh~ ^^

The next two songs were their new songs, of which I have forgotten the titles. Lolx. Then we’ve reached the closing of the concert, whereby everyone got on stage and bowed to everyone.

But of course, demands for encore were called from the audience!!

Intoxication was the first encore piece, watching it live was breathtaking. Every move he made made everyone go crazy and scream at the top of their voices!! Till now I still can’t believe that JunSu wrote the lyrics, especially the English parts! Lolx!!! The highlight of this was of course the JaeSuChun’s Intoxication dance!! It was the best; I miss them dancing together as one, dancing to a hot and sexy song.

Then JaeChun appeared in black outfits and JunSu joined them right after that, still panting for breath after Intoxication.

Long conversations by each of them, Linh tried to explain a little here and there for me. She was crying so badly while tweeting at the same time. YooChun said that they were there at Tokyo Dome last year and he wanted to stand on the stage in Dome again, and there he was because of the love from the fans and he was thankful to all the fans. JunSu said that they were really worried when they decided on this tour, but now that they have come to the final stage, they were really happy. JaeJoong’s words were the lengthiest and also the most emotional one, that there were many things that they wanted to say to us yet they can’t, but through mutual understanding, they will be able to go on. Our silly boys, I will support you 3hree no matter what, as long as it’s the path that will make you happy.

Lastly, JaeJoong announced the last song ‘W’, and asked us to receive their feelings through it.

I was all prepared for the last song, because I have heard it many times already. Even had my camera ready too, because I wanted this fancam so much!!

Then it started, and as expected it was beautiful and emotional at the same time. To me it’s a song dedicated to all the fans and HoMin. Just keeping in mind that they love us all, that’s enough to make me go on, because they had always been my pride. Proud of their love and music.

Just halfway through ‘W’, 2 fans who sat beside me suddenly took their stuff and left their seats, walked passed me and almost made me fall! They totally ruined my fancam, I’m so angry not because of the fancam but how can they actually leave when the concert was not over yet?! It was really rude, but I’ve no energy to bother about them. At that moment, the song, the 3hree of them, were more important. Luckily I got to capture the whole song down without getting caught.

The sorrow in the 3hree voices was enough to drown me in tears but I held it in. I didn’t want to end this concert with tears, but just before they stepped off the stage, JaeJoong ran off suddenly covering his mouth and sobbing so badly with JunSu running behind in tears too!! You know how YooChun is always our crybaby, but I felt that he had to be strong for the two who had already start crying, so he held it in. All their eyes bags were swollen, how much tears did they shed backstage, and yet continued to show us happy smiles? I can’t imagine that. The moment when Jae cried running off stage stuck in my head till now! I must say it affected me the most, JaeSu tears and YooChun courage for the two, were things that I will never forget. This beautiful yet emotional live is something that I will never forget too.

Keeping in mind that I love you, 5ive!

P.S. This fanacc is based on what I can remember, there was another lovely jaesu acting moment that i can't remember is which segment already, so i decide to skip that. ^^ Such an emotional concert, so much to say but too painful to pen down.

My lists of FANCAM can be find at the links below:
JYJ - Beautiful Love
JYJ - Ment & Talk (JaeSu Hug)
JYJ - Get Ready (JunSu Focus)
JYJ - Get Ready (JaeJoong Focus)
JYJ - Intoxication
JYJ - W (Double)

Special Thanks: linhkawaii + isabellajing + ミ♥ Lovedust @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

tokyo, tvxq, dbsk, yoochun, thsk, thanksgiving live in dome, junsu, jyj, jaejoong

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