keeping the faith

Apr 03, 2010 18:00

This is a terrible announcement.. yes it is~ 
Their wings were removed at their homeland and now its being taken away in Japan as well... why do this?!!

Is it too much to ask for? For them to stay as 5.. is that difficult? Why end things this way? 
Money... money is all that u are after.. grant them what they deserve.. is that difficult? We fans nvr asked for alot... just a simple wish for them to stay as five.... we are keeping the faith and hope no matter what... no matter how horrible the situation is...


its bcoz of you.. that things have to end up this way..
they are 5 shinning stars that are capable of doing so much so much..... more than any artist can achieved... yet their wings were being taken away.... and asked to fly alone... is tt really what they want? i hate to see that..

i just hate it..

i dont know how to handle this situation well.. thou deep inside me... i'm telling myself that i have prepare for the worst..

its just too much for me...


i'm still keeping the faith...

p.s. i mean you = SME... not avex..


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