It's been a while since I did this, so here we go.
Another rant/ramble sort of thing.
So I guess first I'll talk about Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday, and then today. We have some lost time to make up for, here.
So overall, from what I can remember, Friday started off as a good day. I was excited for the most part about the weekend and whatnot, and even though my Micky was gone on a field trip, I was alright. It was the day before that had been the problem. You see, I was supposed to go to the prom with this boy. Let's call him J. So I was supposed to go with him, and yet every time I asked him what we were doing before prom, the answer was, "I don't know." Okay. So. I wanted to hang out with my friends, but THE DAY BEFORE he comes to me with this full agenda of everything we're doing. And he doesn't ask me. He TELLS me. So I got pissed off and I told him that I wanted to hang out with my friends and have a good time, not just his. So, naturally, he comes back with, "Well, maybe we just shouldn't go together, then." And that, kids, is the story of how I lost my prom date.
And the best part is? I had purchased an after prom ticket FOR HIM, but I had to buy MY OWN prom ticket. So anyways. He ended up asking another girl, called her RIGHT AFTER we decided we weren't going together anymore while I was still in the car, and whatever. I had a good time anyways. My Micky was my date xD And we just hung out in a group of our friends and danced and had a good time. So J pretty much ignored me/us the entire time, and then at the end he has the nerve to come up to me. "Hey, do you have the after prom ticket?" So, naturally, I didn't give it to him, he got bitchy, whatever. I gave it to Tim instead.
OH, and guess what? One of my ex boyfriends, who graduated and never even WENT to my school was at our prom with my ex best friend who he happens to be dating. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have really awful memories of him, and even worse is that right after I saw him, our old "song" started playing. It was like ... super ugh. But my Chunnie-ah got me through it. <333
After prom was amazing too. There was a fondue fountain! With strawberries and chocolate! And we watched people sing karaoke for quite a while. It was really fun. xD
OH I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT BAND. Okay. So Friday we had a band trip to go to State Qualifications, and we left after school. So we had to take an hour ish long bus ride to get there, and I sat by my friend Rachel with Tim and Scott and oh my god ... it was so amazing. We sang and screamed and all sorts of weird crap. The way down was fun, but the way back was better. It was extremely dark and we started a loud, screaming round of 'Livin' on a prayer' before launching into Disney songs. And then the "MAWWWWWW" started. Don't worry, I'll post a link and then you'll know what I'm talking about.
But yeah. We got a gold, but didn't qualify for state. Today in class we were listening to one of the judge tapes and he said some really hilarious things, I have to say. My personal favorite is "I hope my comments are reflective of what you're actually playing." And then my director stops the tape and is like "... does anyone in here think that that's an unreasonable expectation?" It was really funny.
Ummm what else? OHYEAH. Okay, so, today when I got home, I was tired. Like, really tired. But I wanted to write up the prologue to How to sex him up because it was in my head all day and I didn't want to do that at school. That's just ... No. Just no. So yeah, I did all of that, and then I was sleepy, so I decided to lay down and take a nap. WELL. Right after I lay down my dog decides it would be wonderful to WALK OVER MY FACE. Honestly, are animals stupid enough to not know when they're walking on your FACE? Ugh. So he did that, and then my mom came home. And she seriously wouldn't stop yelling for me until I came in. And she knew I was trying to sleep because I told her, but she didn't care and she was all "we have to eat dinner blahblahblah". So I got myself some food and I was eating it, and my parents started talking about me like I wasn't even there.
It's not like they were being mean or anything, but it was really, really annoying. Like, "Look at her. She's just eating. Not talking. She must be hungry or something. And tired. I think she's tired. Hm, I don't think she's finding this humorous."
And it was just like ... ARGH. And then they came and ate when they got their food, and I was like, "Can I sleep now?" And my mom was like, "... can you sleep now?" "Yeah." "Well, I guess so, if that's really what you want to do. Why don't you just take a shower and then sleep all night?" "Because I just wanted to take a quick nap." "Why, so you can stay up all night? Are you going to stay up all night? Is that why you're so tired now?" "No, I'm tired from the weekend." "... mhm."
It's just so annoying. I hate it when they're like that. All condescending, as if I don't know how to take care of myself or something. >< I just wanted to take a freaking nap! But whatever. I'm still up now so they won't get all bitchy with me again. Joy joy.
So yeah. I forgot to talk about yesterday, too. But yesterday was just kind of my lazy day xD My Micky and I literally just laid around and watched Man vs. Wild while having JinMin discussions. It was a good time. And then when she left I had to clean my room. D: But at least now it's clean, right?
That was kinda longer than I expected it to be. Hmm. Ah well. I put this random video together, and I think it's pretty funny. You guys should watch it. And if you don't want to watch the whole thing, just skip to the end. It's the whole MAWWWW thing. Which is amazing. <333
That's all.