(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 01:27


&&;; { Insomniac Post o: ~ }

Has anyone noticed that my entries are really really really late at night? 8D Yay insomnia! ♥

Okay, I was going to decorate my wall after I took a very late shower, but I found that THE SCOTCH TAPE WAS MISSING!

.... D: This is really bugging me. I always (when I go to the mall) have to buy like a whole pack of scotch tape and then the times where I really need it, it's not THERE. I don't know what the hell my family does with it. I think they eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. >___>

Tomorrow is the last day of school before march break! WHOO. FCKIN'. HOO. 8DDD
This is the day that usually no one even bothers to show up because it's basically no point. Students know that their friends won't show, staff knows it, teachers know it, whole school knows it. It's one of those unwritten rules. I would be one of those people who will be able to just snooze and sleep in if it wasn't for the two most annoying pplaced courses. D:

English ;; I have my essay to hand it. I was going to hand it in today, but my teacher never mentioned that she wanted it double spaced. >_> I should have sort of figured that.. but I wasn't think okay. *hiss*
Math ;; Test. Need I say more? u___u;

j_______j I don't even mind having to do the math test or anything like that. I just wish.. I had english and math 3rd and 4th or 1st and 2nd instead of friggin' 1st and 4th. I mean c'mon, I'll probably just end up staying the whole day and each class will be an agonizing hour and forty five minutes of NOTHINGNESS.


Well, in happier news today I learned that semen has a lot of calories in it due to the components being mainly glucose, which is sugar. In the words of my friend DJ, she says that if you gave someone a blow job, you'd been gaining a TON of weight.

My logic.. well.. the sex works your body out and then the semen balances it... out..? >___> *SHOT*

Before I go, I have to say that Wherther's Chocolates are like sex in bite-sized pieces. FCKIN. DELICIOUS. ♥

Kay! XDDDD Bye now!

☆ ~ xi-xi
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