Blogcrew 14 {Shooting Star}

Feb 23, 2009 13:31

NOTE: LJ hates me ATM. I can't use a cut. >_>  Sorry.

» Claim Here «
Finding someone like you,
is like catching a shooting star." _fcksavedurl="">" _fcksavedurl="" alt="" />
»" _fcksavedurl="">Claim Here «
Finding someone like you,
is like catching a shooting star.
♥ This involves only Johnny's Entertainment, Big Bang, F.T. Island, DBSK, SS501, SHINee and Super Junior.
♥ Please indicate the FULL NAME of your claim and the name of the group he belongs to.
♥ First come, first serve.
♥ 3 claims per user and 5 users per claim.
♥ Please write Shooting Star as the subject.
♥ Tegoshi Yuya from NewS is different with Tegoshi Yuya of TegoMass. Same goes with the others, too.
♥ Claim here means it's full (ex. Yamashita Tomohisa)
♥ Take the code AFTER I say so. Please be patient, I'm sure to reply late to your claims. :3

-- Pixel from nelivis @ pixelpeach . :)


Ueda Tatusya - rekkoi |
Kamenashi Kazuya -
kirei_xo_ai | preciouskizuna |
Tanaka Koki - liliomfalevel |
Nakamaru Yuichi - violca |
Taguchi Junnosuke - alonsogotlost |

Masuda Takahisa - massu89 | violca |
areena_chan |
Nishikido Ryo - 
gackt_tytta | marcsi568 |
ryo_icia |
Yamashita Tomohisa - marcsi568 |
Koyama Keichiro - silver881 |
Tegoshi Yuya - colorfulkizuna |
aya_tenshi |

Kusano Hironori - violca |

Hey! Say! JUMP
Yamada Ryosuke - ladestiny92 |
se_jinblue |
yamada_love | aidyanixx |
Inoo Kei -
rii_chii |
Arioka Daiki - brosiscomplex |
akira_amie_yuki | xmidnightrain |
bea_chan22 |
Morimoto Ryutaro -
akira_amie_yuki | aidyanixx |
Chinen Yuuri - aidyanixx |
fuji_chan |
Yabu Kota - turtlepark |
Takaki Yuya -
ryo_icia |

Sakurai Sho -
bea_chan22 |

Johnny's Juniors
Yamashita Shoon - ladestiny92 |
Yamashita Reon -
gackt_tytta |
Ikuta Toma - nekonekorocket |
Nozawa Yuuki -
rii_chii |

Kis-My-Ft 2
Kitayama Hiromitsu -
gackt_tytta |
Fujigaya Taisuke -
yuya_lovah |

Kim Hyun Joong - xkayex |
Heo Young Saeng - bluriishh |

Shim Changmin - umaiii |
Jung Yunho - umaiii | staryh | ichigomix |
Hero Jaejoong -
kirei_xo_ai | ichigomix | chocorynne |
Kim Junsu - liliomfalevel | ichigomix |
Park Yoochun -
lady_akira |

Super Junior
Park Jungsoo -
angel_fied | staticanxietyz | destinyofme |
Lee HyukJae -
angel_fied |
Kim Ryeowook - teukieangel |
Lee Sungmin -
keyah_chanloves |
Cho KyuHyun -
ah_kya |
Lee Donghae - staticanxietyz |
music_loner | platinumpair |

Lee Taemin -
rii_chii |
Choi Minho - liliomfalevel |
Lee Jinki - kimsooji |
Kim Kibum - etherenia |

Big Bang
Seung Ri - kimsooji |
G-Dragon - bubblytears |

F.T. Island
Lee Hongki - snowxpress |

big bang, je, shinee, ss501, blogcrews, f.t. island, super junior, dbsk

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